Example sentences of "it is [adv] unlikely that " in BNC.

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1 If you think about it , it is pretty unlikely that , if you yourself were reading a magazine , even if you looked quite hard at an ad , you could give a very detailed description of the ad even quite soon afterwards .
2 It is however unlikely that the move will be blocked when MPs vote on the rule changes next year .
3 Just as it is almost impossible to apply what is now called the ‘ Japanese ’ system of management to other parts of the world , because of the differences of culture and background of the people who are working in industry , so it is equally unlikely that the particular , precise ways that I have found so useful will have the same application to others ; Nevertheless , since I have spent so much of my life developing these ideas it may be that some of my experience will hit a chord of recognition or cause others to reflect or contemplate .
4 Erm , the rule of evidence is that it is inherently unlikely that anybody would make a statement against their own interest unless it was true .
5 It is thus unlikely that the metals used at Igbo Ukwu were prepared north of the Sahara .
6 It is thus unlikely that the road would be constructed without substantial assistance from the Department of Transport .
7 And it is ecologically unlikely that vegetarian dinosaurs arrived because of growing predatory competition among reptiles , paramammals and mammals for live prey .
8 It is most unlikely that you would do this !
9 Admittedly , Peak District was following in the wake of Star Player , who had won the same Beverley event last season , but it is most unlikely that this fully-exposed six-year-old — hard fit from two wins in all-weather hurdles — will ever aspire to the achievements of Star Player , who went on to win three other races , including the Chester Cup .
10 The reality is , it is most unlikely that such a merger would be allowed on competition grounds and we believe that a referral to the authorities would be likely to attract great uncertainty to our customers and staff . ’
11 It is most unlikely that you will have a complain that can not be settled amicably between us .
12 No academic libraries since the time of the Travelling Workshops Experiment have successfully applied the strategy and it is most unlikely that illuminative evaluation ‘ in toto ’ will ever get the opportunity to prove itself in academic user education , largely because of the lack of time to pursue it in full .
13 It is tragic that it is most unlikely that the Jewish race would ever seriously consider that its terrible sufferings can in any way be attributable to it 's religion , even in part .
14 It is most unlikely that a mother or father looking at a new-born child will be saying : — ‘ We have here a potential villain , who could , in a few years time be getting a living by robbery , violence or some other criminal activity .
15 It is most unlikely that ‘ everyone ’ does — and in any case , if you believe it , then it is affecting your life , so you need to examine it .
16 It is most unlikely that Ivy knew that this Miss Compton was a blacksmith 's daughter , and her ‘ fortune ’ a loan of £300 .
17 It is most unlikely that Wordsworth ever thought of his philosophical ideas as a ‘ Creed ’ ; later he said that we are not supposed to take literally his reference to himself in Tintern Abbey as ‘ a worshipper of Nature ’ .
18 Given the current recognition system , it is most unlikely that such examples will occur in this form .
19 The polygenic nature of ageing contains a baleful message for gerontologists ; it is most unlikely that engineering of a few genes or intervention in a handful of physiological pathways will prevent the process from occurring .
20 There was no adequate trading base for this financial performance , and it is most unlikely that the promoters ever thought that there was .
21 Nixon 's ambitions were to crash on the rock of Watergate , but even without that disaster it is most unlikely that he would have come even close to fulfilling his mandate , In that , he would not , by any means , have been alone .
22 It was crucial to his remarkable success in winning the nomination of his party ; without that asset it is most unlikely that he would have secured his narrow victory over Gerald Ford , but it was his insistence on remaining an outsider in spirit that limited his accomplishments in office .
23 It is most unlikely that there would be any conflict of interest between existing employees and newly-recruited young people .
24 Paradoxically , if such a person were to fail to give notice , he might then be said to be committing an offence even though , because of the hypothesised publicity , it is most unlikely that the police will not already know about his proposed march .
25 The police have been criticised for their low prosecution record in rape cases and it is most unlikely that domestic rape would have been dealt with more enthusiastically .
26 is used as a handmaid to reforming legislation , it is most unlikely that the floodgates will be opened if the exemption is lifted .
27 ( It is most unlikely that any user noticed that there were two systems the terminals were labelled identically and the screen layouts were the same .
28 It is most unlikely that either of these areas has been used for arable in the last 1500 years , and this is confirmed to some extent by field names recorded on the earliest maps ( of the early nineteenth century ) and in medieval documents .
29 Indeed , it is most unlikely that Israel will give up its nuclear capability in the foreseeable future , so long as it foresees a threat to its land from its neighbour .
30 We will , of course , move as quickly as possible , but it is most unlikely that my right hon. and learned Friend will be in a position to make the first pay and conditions order under the new Act immediately upon the expiry of the 1987 Act on 31 March 1992 .
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