Example sentences of "it is [adv] true that " in BNC.

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1 It is however true that a depreciation in share values will be of concern to management , because of possible repercussions in the market for corporate control .
2 It is equally true that there would be even fewer breweries left if the Campaign had not opposed takeovers and mergers vociferously .
3 Yet it is equally true that the Treasury just as consistently suggest economies that they do not expect to achieve but which concentrate the minister 's mind and preferably chill his blood .
4 It is equally true that firms and households are less likely to operate efficiently in a period of inflation , for a number of reasons .
5 On the other hand , it is equally true that it is through participation in the service of others that he comes to realize his true Self and his identity with all that lives .
6 If we were to express the interrelation of identity and participation in classical Hindu terminology we might say that while knowledge , jñāna , leads to action , karma , it is equally true that action leads to knowledge .
7 It is equally true that they are rarely associated with earthquakes .
8 If it can be claimed that the young men who spend a short time in a school before moving on provide the vitality , it is equally true that those who devote their whole lives to a single school give the continuity , tradition , and wisdom which are equally , if not more , important .
9 But it is equally true that there are general principles for successful teaching and learning which apply to all children .
10 But it is equally true that there is no way of foreseeing the health status of the very elderly of 2010 or 2022 ; people grown up in the historically exceptionally prosperous period since World War Two may have very different health expectations than those currently aged over 75 who were born before 1911 in a very different environment from the present .
11 It is equally true that they are not as suitable for a truly mixed sequential-direct application as indexed sequential files .
12 It is equally true that Lord Diplock has stated that the normal presumption is that Parliament intends questions of law to be decided by the courts , but his Lordship did not state that this was an irrebuttable presumption .
13 It is equally true that Opposition Members seem obsessed with pursuing the business community with prosecutions and they frequently question me about that across a wide range of Government policies — something which I regret , but with which I have become rather familiar .
14 While it is true that in recent decades it has been made more , rather than less , difficult for elected assemblies to exercise control over public expenditure ( Robinson 1978 ) , it is equally true that political controllers are not completely starved of information about bureaucratic activities .
15 For it is sadly true that misuse of a desktop publishing system can actually reduce the impact of your material rather than enhance it .
16 In the first place , we can not say that the coins recovered from a site , whether by excavation or otherwise , represent a cross-section of coins in use on that site , even though it is generally true that coins are dropped in proportion to the amount of times they are handled or passed from hand to hand .
17 It is generally true that people are in the greatest difficulties when the external world confirms their worst fears about themselves , and are at their happiest when it confirms their best fantasies .
18 It is generally true that if organisations try to set up such functions in-house , they are unlikely to keep and retain the best people ; thus there is always a gulf between the in-house employees and their performance and what can be obtained in the way of services by using external consultants to undertake the job .
19 However , it is generally true that mainstream teachers do not have access to specialist knowledge beyond very generic special needs training .
20 It is generally true that PageMaker users find out about some 80–90% of the program 's capabilities just by playing around .
21 It is generally true that the kadi was a more " secular " figure than the mufti if only because he was much more closely tied to the state organization than was the mufti .
22 RELIABILITY — Check the pile , as it is generally true that the denser the pile , the better the carpet will wear .
23 Efforts made by communist states to reduce inequalities vary , but it is generally true that bureaucrats are better off than those they rule .
24 Although it is generally true that increasing age exerts an unfavourable effect on outcome of diseases and medical interventions , this influence is weaker than is generally supposed and is mainly due to age-associated disorders .
25 it is doubtless true that the power of the imperial Parliament to pass on its own initiative any legislation that it thought fit extending to Canada remains unimpaired .
26 However , while it is doubtless true that men pay an emotional price for the power they have , this should not blind us to the power and privileges from which they do benefit .
27 It is doubtless true that following his realisation in 1934 that even in post-revolutionary Soviet society men and women were ultimately not liberated from the anguish and fear of individual death and obliteration , Nizan was forced to adopt a more modest , less euphoric tone when praising Soviet achievements .
28 It is doubtless true that at bottom the behaviour of a motor car is to be explained in terms of interactions between fundamental particles .
29 If advertisers can not be faulted for using mainly ‘ commercial criteria ’ rather than ideological/political ones in their decisions , it is nevertheless true that the outcome of those decisions in their totality have enormous implications .
30 It is nevertheless true that the creation of the single subject GCE examinations in the 1950s , and the subsequent development of the CSE ( Mode III ) , allowed considerable power to swing to the teachers .
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