Example sentences of "it can be [adv] difficult " in BNC.

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1 It can be particularly difficult for family members to accept their own powerlessness in getting others to accept the message that they carry .
2 It can be surprisingly difficult to avoid , too , because it is added to so many foods and drinks .
3 The only problem is that it can be terribly difficult to read — and you do want them to read the copy do n't you ?
4 It can be quite difficult to find the nerve ( it can be quite difficult to find the switch too ) to do your first ‘ full-down autorotation ’ ( a descriptive American term ) .
5 It can be quite difficult to find the nerve ( it can be quite difficult to find the switch too ) to do your first ‘ full-down autorotation ’ ( a descriptive American term ) .
6 It can be quite difficult for some people to give up meat suddenly and Quorn is an easy product to use — it 's also very healthy . ’
7 It can be quite difficult working at something with needle and yarn with your eyes glued to a diagram but this I had to do .
8 It can be quite difficult , however , to arrange to film next year 's ice cream commercial this August , in order to be sure of sunshine and leaves on the trees , because decisions on products to be advertised might not be taken until the end of the current season .
9 Well it sounds like a lot of things but , but actually getting a game of tennis in it can be quite difficult because you know the weather 's turned against us now so
10 it , it can be quite difficult ,
11 If you 're on too friendly terms with him , you may be in danger of not doing your job properly as a governor , because it can be quite difficult to stand back from somebody in an objective way when you know them too well or are too closely involved with them .
12 Go much more slowly if the road is wet or icy or first drive more slowly at night , remember it can be especially difficult to see pedestrians or cyclists at night and in poor daylight conditions , do not break , sharply , except in an emergency .
13 It can be as difficult for them to adjust as it is for the individual in distress .
14 It can be as difficult for these people to adjust as it is for the individual in distress .
15 It can be extremely difficult to memorise colours correctly , and you may be very disappointed to realise that the shade of gilt wax that you thought was a perfect match in the shop actually bears no resemblance to the colour of the frame .
16 On the other hand , it can be extremely difficult to be sure who is going to win until very near the end of the game .
17 In fact it can be extremely difficult to isolate the pressures and influences which have gone into the making of any one decision .
18 Because obesity often has its roots in childhood and adolescent experiences , it can be extremely difficult to overcome later .
19 However , it does take more effort to push or pull a garden cart , and it can be more difficult to manoeuvre than single wheeled barrows .
20 I 'd asked that he should n't be bottle fed with my expressed milk as it can be more difficult to establish breastfeeding if a baby is confused by a teat .
21 Sometimes when the changes are slower it can be more difficult because allowance has to be made for the natural variations that occur hour by hour in an illness even without any treatment .
22 It can be more difficult when an elderly couple differ themselves as to what they wish to do , or if members of the family disagree .
23 It can be more difficult to attempt to influence people who know you , because you perceive they have expectations of you .
24 Whereas , with others , it can be more difficult .
25 ‘ When you 're at the front it can be more difficult to keep your concentration , ’ he said .
26 It can be very difficult to decide how to measure performance at many jobs .
27 I conduct a lot of light music and it can be very difficult for an orchestra to realize it properly .
28 Dorothy Einon , the child psychologist says , ‘ It can be very difficult for parents to stand back .
29 On release from custody , it can be very difficult for the offender to be reintegrated into the community .
30 If danger threatens powerful muscles can snap the valves tightly shut , and once a bivalve has closed itself in this way it can be very difficult to force it open — it has ‘ clammed ’ up .
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