Example sentences of "it 's [adv] easy [verb] " in BNC.

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1 erm And the reason I 've given you that one is that that was drawn in 1675 by David Loggen , and it 's a very , very accurate one , and it 's rather easier to see some of the places I shall be talking about , so I think it 's a nice one for you to have close up .
2 Unless you plan to tour other parts of Florida , it 's probably easiest to stay at a Disney World resort or at one of the seven affiliated hotels very close by .
3 Erm I wanted to actually arrange a coach if there 's enough people sort of please arrange a coach , could do , but I reckon it 's probably easier to go up
4 I think it 's probably easier to see it , when you use a different function .
5 It 's it 's probably easier to say what it does n't provide for .
6 The kick up design at the top of the rudder means that it 's particularly easy to fit on the beach .
7 He went through the ritual of lighting the cigar and took a first luxurious puff before continuing : ‘ It 's not easy to put this sort of thing in proper perspective . ’
8 It 's not easy to lay your hands on decent champagne here , but I know the manager . ’
9 It 's not easy to control the Press on something like this .
10 It 's not easy to ask your neighbours to turn the noise down when they are the SAS . ’
11 It 's not easy to take up your life again when it 's been so brutally interrupted .
12 You can get programmable fax machines , but they 're very expensive , so it 's not easy to take advantage of cheap phone rates either .
13 But I think you 've done very well , with just one little weak area round that but but it 's not easy to do , you 've got a very light background and you 've got a very dar presumably black body of the camera
14 Maybe it 's not easy to see what all this has to do with cancer , but you must bear with me if I tell you that it has .
15 As for Ireland , short of trip to Lourdes , it 's not easy to see where the instant cure will come from .
16 WITH top soccer teams AC Milan and Internazionale on your doorstep it 's not easy to popularise hockey .
17 It 's not easy to describe .
18 It 's not easy to describe Signe , for she left you with a memory out of all relation to her true appearance .
19 I imagine it 's not easy to hold a camcorder steady when you 're breathing that hard .
20 It 's not easy to say what the narrating ‘ I ’ is doing at such a scene .
21 It 's not easy to say when I 'll stop entirely ; who knows , maybe three , four or five years ’ time ?
22 It 's not easy to predict why shame should operate one way or , or another and although it has something to do with the superego , you ca n't just say well the superego is er purely the result of erm of , of socialization , if you have strict parents you have a strict superego , it 's not that simple .
23 Sometimes it 's not easy to talk about intimate things like sex or your body .
24 Sometimes it 's not easy to talk about intimate things like sex or your body .
25 It 's not easy to talk against the noise .
26 I keep reminding myself that this was a film , a work of art , a dramatic illusion , but it 's not easy to detach yourself from a film , as you can from a play . ’
27 I mean you 've got to try and keep yourself afloat , and then even that 's not going to help you , if nobody comes along and picks you up either , so I mean that But I mean I I did n't Oh well I Suppose I could say I gave up hope a few times but obviously if you s The struggle to survive comes through in the long run , and I mean it 's it 's not easy to give up hope ,
28 erm It 's not easy to give an example that 's brief , because of what I 've just said about the style , but I offer one very short passage here , which might or might not convey what I 'm attempting to say .
29 It 's not easy to explain what I mean .
30 However , it 's not easy to drive nails exactly where you want them , especially into walls , and it 's difficult to get them out again once they 're in .
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