Example sentences of "it be not true that " in BNC.

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1 For a necessary condition for such knowledge , 3 ( that if it were not true that you are not a brain in a vat , you would not believe that you are not a brain in a vat ) fails .
2 The MMC pointed out that the block exemption only applied if there were no effective competition , no refusal to supply , or if it were not true that less favourable conditions were imposed on those with an exclusive purchasing obligation .
3 It 's not true that girls dress up to impress men , or ‘ catch ’ a boyfriend , because I think girls know that the people who will most appreciate their particular look or style , or the fabric or colour in their outfit , will be their friends .
4 I suppose I am plump — according to the ‘ Height and Weight ’ charts I am on the heavy side of OK , but my weight has stayed the same since I was fourteen , so I know it 's not true that I 'm overeating , or greedy .
5 However it 's not true that their life is all a deceit .
6 Innocuous though it may seem at first sight , this can be interpreted ( at least in the written form ) in two ways : either ‘ I dislike him ’ ( the most usual reading ) , or , in suitable contexts , ‘ It 's not true that I like him ’ ( for instance , in I do n't dislike him , but I do n't like him either ) .
7 There is no need to postulate different negative elements , or different meanings of like : it is enough to allow the negative element either to take the whole of the rest of the sentence as its scope ( Neg ( I like him ) ) , in which case the meaning will be ‘ It 's not true that I like him , ’ or the single element like ( I Neg-like him ) , in which case the meaning will be ‘ I dislike him . ’ ’
8 It 's not true that I saw no one while I was writing my book reviews in the printer 's office .
9 And it 's not true that I do n't get anything out of it when I see him .
10 But although he took this very stiff line about theism and organized religion , it 's not true that Russell himself was void of religious feelings and interests .
11 Moreover it is not true that ‘ the balance of payments remained healthy ’ .
12 It is not true that I only play this game for money .
13 Moreover , it is not true that prior to the nineteenth century ( or eighteenth , depending on when the change was said to occur ) sexual deviance was conceptualized only as a form of behaviour .
14 Here , though it is not true that they have no food , for they still have their daily supplies of the ‘ worthless ’ manna , they remain without water , and , manna or no manna , death would seem to stare them in the face .
15 However , it is not true that only a superficial representation determines the interpretation of a surface anaphor , or that the final interpretation is always the one that the superficial representation licenses .
16 It is not true that those who threaten to kill themselves never do .
17 It is not true that you have to burn before you tan .
18 Even if it is true that God has guided someone into a particular religion , there is no reason why the sociologist can not study the social processes involved in the person 's conversion ; and , conversely , even if it is not true that it was God who was responsible , that does not mean that the sociologist can not study the belief and the ( possibly very considerable ) consequences of that belief for the individual concerned and for society .
19 It is not true that we down-graded the level of security , I do n't know why the minister suggested that .
20 Moreover , it is not true that under the new law there is a freeze on promotions .
21 But it is not true that if we know which drug to prescribe , we know all that is necessary to know about schizophrenia .
22 It is not true that ‘ man is a single-faceted individual , engaged solely in maximizing personal financial gain [ with no thought for ] fairness , honesty , respect for law , self-respect , consideration for others , and so on . ’
23 But it is not true that Freudian theory has no space for ideas of unity or autonomy .
24 With reference to the networks under study , the samples can not be considered random as such , because it is not true that all users in the township during the prevalence period had an equal chance of being selected .
25 So it is not true that the place the wisdom poet saw " can be either a field or a vineyard , but not both " .
26 It is not true that certain other events or conditions might have occurred such that we got the solar conditions but not last night .
27 You can read English and you are reading this book , but it is not true that if you can read English you are reading this book .
28 Second , it is not true that girls underachieve across the board in education .
29 Although these particular examples each concern a contract for the sale of unascertained goods , it is not true that all future goods automatically fall into that category .
30 Is the Minister aware that it is not true that there have been no notifications of dumping in the past six months ?
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