Example sentences of "it be a [noun] morning " in BNC.

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1 It 's a Sunday morning you did n't have to get up .
2 Yeah it 's a jobs morning this morning kitchen floors a good thing , we 'll have to kitchen floor Tim , that 'll be fun wo n't it ?
3 It is a Tuesday morning in 1989 , clouds are settling over the Southside and Rangers are due to play Dundee United in a re-scheduled Scottish Cup match .
4 It was not yet May but it was a May morning ; the sun was shining and there was that certain sparkle in the air ; air which , despite all that has been done to it , Wycliffe still found good to breathe .
5 It was a September morning .
6 It was a Sunday morning in late October about four months after Tess 's arrival at Trantridge , and a few weeks after the night ride in The Chase .
7 well not exact , obviously , I 'm not saying you remembered if it was a Tuesday morning or a Wednesday afternoon , but he gave you instructions according to Mr in February nineteen eighty seven , would it be about that time that you learnt of the instructions ?
8 That it was a Saturday morning had made his presence possible — he would not have accepted the invitation had it been on some date in the week — and carriages had already piled behind one another in the main street ; evidently it was to be a large party .
9 So , it was a Saturday morning and my brother said , ‘ Come on ; lets have a game of football . ’
10 It was a Saturday morning , after Charlie had collected his produce from the market and was on his way back to Whitechapel , that he heard the raucous cry .
11 It was a Wednesday morning and she walked on the beach before dawn , early so she could dawdle all the way to the fish lines and be home in time to make breakfast and get her gran up and doing .
12 It was a summer morning , the birds were singing and the sun shining .
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