Example sentences of "it be suggested that they " in BNC.

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1 It should not be thought that Unionists enjoyed such a situation , for they certainly did not , but nor can it be suggested that they saw any real alternative , for in truth the basis of agreement on which parliamentary government " rested had all but broken down .
2 Two types of wording are cited and it is suggested that they are of similar effect .
3 In effect , the suggestion is that the sudden change of mind on the part of the local authority after receipt of the guardian 's report in January 1992 constituted an admission that their previous decision about the children was wholly wrong and , moreover , it is suggested that they have mismanaged their care of these children in specific regards .
4 It is suggested that they have changed for the better , while we have not .
5 With the increasing sophistication and scale of warehouse buildings it is suggested that they should be looked at in depth at the earliest planning stage when they are able to exert their proper influence on construction and design .
6 So , pluralists argue that if those of economic wealth are not directly involved in public policy-making then this is some kind of proof that they lack political power , but if poorer people are not directly involved then it is suggested that they are satisfied and enjoy power because politicians will " anticipate " their concerns and they themselves possess the " potential " to organise for their own advantage .
7 It is suggested that they have been deposited either from silica mobilised in solution or from colloids and attain their maximum development in areas of pervious quartzose rocks .
8 As silica is only mobilised in strongly alkaline environments and as gypsum and other soluble salts occur in the underlying zone of weathering , it is suggested that they may have been formed in an arid environment .
9 However , gold and silver colourings , though stunning in effect , do not taste pleasant and it is suggested that they are not eaten in any quantity .
10 In Nigeria , saplings occupied by Pachysima aethiops have more leaves and branches and less attack than those without but , because the few larger workers have a ferocious sting and the habit of dropping from the crown , it is suggested that they may have been effective against large browsing mammals too ; the ants also attack nearby plants and keep the host 's leaves clear of debris and epiphyllae .
11 Their function is not known , but it is suggested that they may be used to pin a patch of mucosa in position during feeding , or that they may prevent the entry of foreign matter into the buccal capsule when the worm has detached from the mucosa .
12 If the college authorities were concerned about the students ' health , it was suggested that they should take action to improve their average daily diet .
13 It was suggested that they were able to switch to using a more " holistic " processing mode which is the preferred mode of operation of the right hemisphere .
14 They refrained from claiming until that date because they had a contract with the yard for another tanker and it was suggested that they feared that , if they initiated the claim before the tanker was delivered , the yard might have refused to deliver .
15 It was suggested that they call the police , and they did .
16 For example , when different colleges came up with similar proposals , it was suggested that they might co-operate in the development work .
17 It was suggested that they might reach Turkey through Syria and Iran .
18 In the report members of the police were accused of acting illegally and it was suggested that they were biased in favour of Inkatha .
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