Example sentences of "it be highly [adj] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Try not to rely on Valium — it 's highly addictive and will cause more problems in the long run .
2 Once you begin , it 's highly addictive and will keep you happy all summer long .
3 The most important fact to remember is that it is highly contagious and one case can very easily develop into a large outbreak unless prompt and very strict isolation of any case is done .
4 It is highly embarrassing and totally inappropriate for doctors to shuffle through sheets of notes to locate one item of information while the patient sits waiting expectantly .
5 These are the two entrances to Lost John 's Cave , the best known and most extensive underground system in the Leck Fell area ; it is highly complex and has passages descending on various levels to a depth of 460 feet .
6 For instance , it is highly dynamic and not static ; it is either eroding or accreting .
7 But it was highly striking and ornamental …
8 This is not to say that practice was unsatisfactory : rather that it was highly variable and that it mostly had little to do with PNP , despite the Authority 's intentions and despite its being written into the job specifications of PNP appointees .
9 Whatever we may think of Oliphant 's views , we have to assume there would be little point in attacks on [ h ] -dropping by the educated elite unless it was highly salient and widespread , and it is reasonable to assume for these reasons that it probably has quite a long history in the language .
10 It was highly disconcerting and unnerving , if not alarming .
11 Woodline Design did not rest on any past laurels ; it was highly solvent and very successful , and it did n't take long for Merrill to discover that Luke was the driving force behind it , and that her initial impression of him as dynamic was something of an understatement .
12 The information concerning the board 's investigation was also imparted to the Bank expressly on terms that it was highly sensitive and with a request that it be kept confidential .
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