Example sentences of "it [vb -s] to be able " in BNC.

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1 Most importantly , it needs to be able to tackle the ‘ pre-development gap ’ — the time between an idea and a prototype .
2 The moral to be drawn is that if we are to give an account of knowledge which does not include a requirement of certainty , our account should make room for the notion of certainty somewhere ; if it sees certainty as a requirement for a knowledge claim it needs to be able to explain in its own terms why that should be so .
3 Classical , Pavlovian conditioning is useful to the animal when it needs to be able to anticipate some repeatedly occurring change in its environment .
4 It has to be able to cope with fluctuating events and changing personalities , and to do this involves a variety of social skills .
5 So it has to be able to go where roads are n't .
6 Institutional care is one part of a complex range of provision ; while it is right to reduce reliance upon it because of its toxic effects ( which are determined by the quality of care provided and not size alone : Huxley , 1991b ) it must be wrong to remove it altogether or reduce its scale or critical mass so that it ceases to be able to perform those functions which other services can not .
7 The conformation of the Holstein is poorer for beef , but because of its greater frame size it seems to be able to produce almost as much meat , though the quality might not be as good .
8 At present the airline operates mainly between Florida and Puerto Rico but , if America 's Department of Transport agrees , it hopes to be able to fly from Miami to New York , Chicago , Los Angeles , Houston and New Orleans .
9 The client will often be promising less than it hopes to be able to deliver : although it may exclude liability for defects in goods , the client will generally seek to deliver goods free from defects , in order to establish or maintain its commercial reputation and protect its trading relationships .
10 If written music or AOR/MOR music is your thing , it helps to be able to stay in time .
11 In this paper ( as in [ R ] ) we insist that each parallel process declares which globe variables it wishes to be able to modify , and which globe channels it wishes to be allowed to input from , output to , or uses privately .
12 There were 850 complaints about computer and software advertising in 1992 , so it pays to be able to read between the lines of an advert .
13 There were 850 complaints about computer and software advertising in 1992 , so it pays to be able to read between the lines of an advert .
14 ‘ I now feel , after a year and a half on BP 's board , that I know enough about the company and the way it works to be able to make judgements about its style of management .
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