Example sentences of "it [is] necessary [to-vb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Since few living rooms have a naturally humid atmosphere , unless you happen to have a humidifier installed for your own comfort , it 's necessary to create localised humidity for those plants that need plenty of moisture in the air .
2 I still do n't feel it 's necessary to wear scruffy clothes to be an actor .
3 He compares war in modern circumstances with a plague , and tries to make us see that we have exactly the same universal common interest in transcending military conflict that we have in getting plague under control , and that it 's necessary to use all our intelligence and imagination to break the millennial connection of intersocial change with war , and then he goes on to make practical proposals .
4 Now , I 've put this in a as youth , because I do think there are quite a , a large number of young people in this , and erm , as , as broadly across the spectrum er , as , as we can , as we can give it , erm they 're expecting to pay three hundred and ninety five pound of hire charges for the institute and on top of this it 's necessary to hire extra lighting , as the existing sy system is unsuitable for the theatrical use .
5 This is a city without a lot of parks in its centre only the Castle and er not a lot of trees not mature trees so er er I need to know that it 's necessary to move these trees .
6 I think it 's necessary to stress this since a number of representations have referred specifically to the constraints which the locational strategy embodied in policy I five on the ability to deliver the proposed structure plan on employment land allocation .
7 Having said that , we 're not seeking an higher allocation under I five either er because in general terms , we we do n't feel it 's necessary to make further provision in and around main settlements .
8 I need to know that it 's necessary to remove all those trees I 've been told all sorts of things like they 're in pots and they 'll become pot bound they 're growing outwards they might fall down they might fracture mains they block off the er view of the church well I think they 're a nice asset in the city centre .
9 Such the quality committee regularly considers whether it 's necessary to have any new
10 Having defined the goals and objectives for online training and education , it is necessary to choose suitable methods and media for implementation .
11 Difficulties arise with such techniques when it is necessary to choose both the objectives and constraint forms for a design condition that contains a large number of conflicting requirements .
12 To learn effectively it is necessary to grasp certain principles and rules , and these rules would be particular to individual academic disciplines .
13 Privately owned land tends to move to its most profitable use but frequently obstacles , either physical or human , delay such movements , particularly where it is necessary to assemble adjacent parcels of land to form a viable development site .
14 ( 10 ) It is necessary to state current use of the property and whether that has been continuous .
15 In order for this court to have proper regard to article 10 , it is necessary to state first what test is to be applied .
16 It is necessary to transcend these constraints if the interaction , in all its richness and fascination , is to be appreciated .
17 So beyond drilling simple sentences , it is necessary to drill larger stretches of speech .
18 Since the actual amount needed can only be known accurately at the end of the life of the asset , which in turn may not be known in advance of the event , it is necessary to estimate both .
19 Since the actual amount needed can only be known accurately at the end of the life of the asset , which in turn may not be known in advance of the event , it is necessary to estimate both .
20 In Mr Reynolds ' case it is necessary to repeat this preparation after the investigations to ensure a good view for the surgeon and so that faecal matter is not present to contaminate the operation site .
21 Since , in reality , a phonemic string that is the output of phonetic processing of the acoustic waveform is likely to contain many errors , it is necessary to allow phonemic competitors to guarantee the inclusion of the correct phoneme .
22 If it is necessary to create two modules which are very closely related ( usually providing the same user interface ) , then the loose coupling relation VARIANT-OF should be used in both modules :
23 Firms may decide that it is necessary to spend more of their own money on security — or be asked to contribute more to the cost of police protection .
24 However , it is necessary to emphasise that exploration of materials such as sand , clay , soil and wood for sheer delight , without the intervention of an adult , is extremely important and for some children lasts a long time .
25 For any individual , society is a massive external reality , and it is necessary to emphasise this simply because we tend to take for granted these social arrangements as natural , immovable and inevitable .
26 It is necessary to stress that elderly people facing loss do not always have to be overwhelmed by their circumstances , with very little chance of preserving their dignity or sense of self-worth .
27 It is necessary to stress this rather negative fact mainly because of excessive claims that have been made for the new ideas .
28 In practice it is necessary to classify these soils .
29 Before demonstrating this variety , it is necessary to outline some minor technical details of relevance .
30 It is necessary to explore new objectives and the means of achieving them .
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