Example sentences of "it [is] hard [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It 's hard not to wish I was thinner again , hard not to long to be invisible , to escape all their gibes , and comments and the feeling of being on display .
2 Nevertheless , it 's hard not to agree with those at the ICA who said that the legal precedent established by the Spanner trial should be properly contested ( the latest appeal will be heard by the House of Lords in December ) .
3 It 's hard not to get indigestion when eating with them as you are constantly chatting with them .
4 It 's hard not to feel sorry for Dolph Lundgren .
5 The early efforts are not meant to be marked on promise alone ; yet it is hard not to do that .
6 Admittedly there is a lot to be said for the species itself , but it is hard not to fall for I. aquifolium ‘ Bacciflava ’ because the berries are a cheerful shade of yellow .
7 There is no such ring in the Reeve 's Tale , but it is hard not to notice that the motif seems to have been displaced and taken over by Absolon as he approaches Alison 's window for the second time that night , in order to deceive her : A sure example of intertextual inference is found in John 's use of the cradle trick ; he envies Alayn 's success with Malyne , and decides he will " " arise and auntre [ chance ] it " " himself .
8 Another failure , but it is hard not to appreciate the subtlety of the thought behind it : if the cash paid as ransom disintegrates , there is no cash paid as ransom .
9 Pope has commented that it is hard not to detect in Ælfric 's statement in Wyrdwriteras that we sceolon secan æt Gode sylfum urne ræd mid anrædum mode ( we should seek our counsel from God himself with unanimous spirit ) " an allusion to the unræd so unhappily associated with Ethelred " .
10 It is hard not to sympathise with his desire to knock off managing director Duncan , a hammy , cantankerous old fool in Kevin Stoney 's playing .
11 It is hard not to sympathise with those simple-minded viewers and tabloid newspaper editors who mistake the characters for the actors .
12 Once you begin lying , it is hard not to go on because it is impossible to explain why you lied in the first place .
13 It is hard not to view this axiom of early Christian imagination from a post-Reformation perspective .
14 It is hard not to wonder when , in ignoring the best writing for children , they are denying the existence of the multicultural and non-sexist fiction which has reflected the changes in society over the last 20 years . ’
15 After such a spoilt dreamy flight it is hard not to trample carelessly over the end of the night shift .
16 It is hard not to emphasize the negative aspects when you consider what Hong Kong still has to offer and is fast losing .
17 And it is hard not to think of one 's own horror at some of the things that the Irgun and Stern Gang are doing in Palestine , for instance , ’ David said after a long silence .
18 When you are being spat at for doing your best in difficult circumstances , it is hard not to become spiky and defensive .
19 Here it is sufficient to say that , disagree with their particularities as one may , they present a good working model of sexual development and one which it is hard not to accept in its essentials .
20 Knowing Susy with James , it is hard not to believe that inside Hunt there was every bit as much affection and sensitivity as there was extrovertedness and snook-cocking .
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