Example sentences of "it [vb mod] not be worth " in BNC.

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1 In the North and West it may not be worth while sowing a catch crop after a late harvest , particularly if the ground is wet .
2 If you succeed in finding another job , or already have one lined up at the time that you go , it may not be worth suing your employer because the losses for which you could claim reimbursement may be minimal .
3 And since many credit card issuers have introduced an annual charge of around £8 to £12 , it may not be worth getting a credit card just to take on holiday , although there are additional benefits such as travel insurance if you use the card to buy your ticket .
4 If there are small administrative costs of changing prices ( so-called ‘ menu costs ’ ) , it may not be worth the firm changing its price as the adjustment costs may dominate the small gain in profitability .
5 But if you are close to these ages and not currently contracted out it may not be worth changing your status .
6 It might not be worth buying a two-man board , but if you ask around you will often find one lying unused in a backyard .
7 It might not be worth adding a card to a machine which needs only occasional access to the network .
8 Why , I mean it might not be worth anything , I mean , you know , it 's a value , you ca n't , you ca n't start influencing them about money to early , because it 's the value benefit of that that they 're really looking at .
9 And if we cut down the number of our operations — for the part he 's making it would n't be worth automating .
10 But it would n't be worth doing , if there was n't a chance that it might end in tears .
11 It would n't be worth it … people only want to hear new issues not scratchy old ones … ’ and so on .
12 It would n't be worth dragging all the way to Spain just for the three of us , darling . ’
13 If it does n't work because I ca n't carry the experiment through ’ — I shrugged my shoulders — ‘ it would n't be worth starting on .
14 And we 'd only be interested i with that scenario that you could virtually er get the Independent at a song otherwise it would n't be worth having .
15 In the end people said actually it would n't be worth entering , yet
16 ‘ It is very sad , because the service is badly needed , but it would not be worth our while . ’
17 In saying that the free market equilibrium would be at E , we are really saying that it would not be worth while for each individual to check up privately on each and every drug on the market .
18 And by then , surely , it would not be worth the trouble .
19 It wo n't be worth anything because it wo n't have meant anything to you .
20 Happens , but they do try and go for bigger takings , I mean they 'll not break into my house it wo n't be worth all that worth .
21 It wo n't be worth get cake from you .
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