Example sentences of "it [be] god [unc] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If it 's God 's will there will be waves . ’
2 And it should happen that it 's God 's will that you have been sent to us for protection and education .
3 It 's God 's playground out there . ’
4 So it is not an optional extra , it 's God 's purpose , it 's God 's desire for you and for me , and for every one of his children !
5 I do n't believe it 's God 's purpose unless there 's no other alternative but to do it together with God 's people , with God 's family the fellowship of being together in our witness and in our service , this is the whole purpose of , of , of , of the church family , that we do things together , that we are together and then obedience to God 's will .
6 But anything goes wrong and it 's God 's fault !
7 But it 's God 's gift to us .
8 but when we 've read those we 've got to look up what else Jesus said , remember a few months ago the passage we read from Luke thirteen and they will come from the East and the West and from the North and the South and will recline at the table in the Kingdom of God , they will come he says from all directions , we work and hold and these two scriptures intention , we 've got ta compare one with the other , then we 'll read also John in that tremendous vision in the book of revelation he would he says what he saw there , in chapter seven verse nine after these things I looked and behold a great multitude which no one could count from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues standing before the throne and before the lamb , clothe in white robes and palm branches were in their hands and they cried out with a loud voice saying salvation to our God who sits on the throne and to the lamb , a handful of people , tiny minority , John says it was a great number , a multitude which no one could count from every nation , from every ethnic group , from every tribe and , and , and , and race on the face of the earth there in God 's heaven how grateful you and I should be , if we are among that number , it 's God 's grace , it 's not that we 've deserved it , it 's not that we have been privileged by some genetic er process to have been born in a so called a nominally Christian country , it is all of God 's grace , it 's not what we have done or what we are , but we have been saved by his grace and just for a few moments this morning , I 'd like us to from this question that was put to Jesus to follow on and if you like get five propositions from it , it sounds complicated but it 's not .
9 So it is not an optional extra , it 's God 's purpose , it 's God 's desire for you and for me , and for every one of his children !
10 ‘ That history , because it is God 's history , is a purposeful line ; but because it is human history as well , it is also a zig-zag one . ’
11 Perhaps we just have to accept it is God 's will that the unorthodox individual is doomed to years of frustration , ridicule and failure in order to act out his role in the scheme of things , until his day arrives and mankind is ready to receive his message .
12 ‘ God ordered their estate , ’ that is to teach you never to question your place in this world , never to envy those who have more than you , for it is GOD 's WILL !
13 That is to say , he or she must believe that it is God 's will for him or her at that time .
14 It is God 's will that all men be free , ’ he said .
15 " My dear , it is God 's will , " Amabel kept on saying because that was the thing her own mother and her dear old nanny — both gone now — had always said to her .
16 It is God 's showcase in a secular society and a most significant ministry .
17 a and remind ourselves that this gift of God in th the Holy Spirit , the baptism of the spirit , it is not an optional extra , it 's not something for super saint , it 's not something for special people , or for certain types of people , it is a , not an optional extra , it is God 's purpose for every one of his children !
18 When he then asks to see God 's glory , it is God 's goodness , his graciousness , and his mercy that he sees ( 33.18–19 ) .
19 It is God 's grace . ’
20 He must respect it , recognising that it is God 's creation and that he exercises dominion as a trustee but does not possess exclusive proprietary rights as owner .
21 At this point I simply want to underline the fact that Scripture demonstrates clearly that it is God 's intention that the Kingdom should grow and not merely remain static .
22 It is God 's intention that we cultivate it , improve it and harness its resources for our own use .
23 In burning his New Testament , he wrote , they did ‘ none other than I looked for : no more shall they do if they burn me also , if it be God 's will it shall be so ’ .
24 How were we to know if it was God 's will ?
25 It literally came to light by accident when it fell out of a bag — it was God 's will , I suppose . ’
26 Mum said that in the opinion of Gran , it was God 's judgement — as whilst the bridegroom was almost sixty years of age , his bride was in her early twenties .
27 The early Christians believed that it was God 's plan for the Jews to reject Jesus so that his death and resurrection could unite all people with God .
28 It was God 's intention that his people should always carry with them the values learnt at Mt Sinai .
29 And last night , instead of trying to comfort him for his loss , he told him it was God 's vengeance upon him .
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