Example sentences of "it [be] certain that the " in BNC.

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1 A great deal of discussion will be generated and it 's certain that the bulk of the attributes will focus on relationships rather than on curriculum or administrative matters .
2 Whatever was in Lenin 's mind , it is certain that the great Famine of 1921–2 wiped out any likelihood of peasant resistance .
3 It is certain that the vice-chancellor in the chair gained the impression from what was said at the meeting that they were forced to elect from a weak field of candidates .
4 It is certain that the electors discussed the name of Stephen Neill , who had had a far more brilliant academic career as an undergraduate than Michael Ramsey and had lately dazzled the university by his lecturing and preaching power .
5 But already it is certain that the challenges ahead are at least as daunting as anything the Cold War produced .
6 It is certain that the news of Mr Souness 's impending operation will have created a few more worry lines of the face of First Division management .
7 It is certain that the seas of 600 to 1000 million years ago swarmed with drifting medusae , just as they do at present .
8 It is certain that the Leapors would have been aware of the changes going on around them , especially since Philip Leapor would have been hired for landscaping projects .
9 And it is certain that the development of level three partnerships is dependent upon not just a rethinking by the sector partners but by government and its role in education and training — a process which has undoubtedly begun , but in a fitful way and without truly fundamental thinking .
10 At the time the thought never entered our heads that there could be any doubt about this , and it is certain that the effect on morale throughout the country was tremendous , especially as for months at a time the war news from other parts of the world was usually bad .
11 In his Essay he observed , ‘ When we set before our eyes a round globe … it is certain that the idea thereby imprinted in our mind is of a flat circle . ’
12 Irish teams do tour well and it is certain that the new assistant coach Gerry Murphy will improve the quality of Ireland 's back play .
13 Whatever the reasons , it is certain that the development of financial conglomerates could not have been fully completed without the radical changes brought about by what in Britain is known as the ‘ Big Bang ’ — the deregulation of the Stock Exchange in October 1986 .
14 But so long as millionaires , or their corporate equivalents , are the only ones who can readily own newspapers or television companies , it is certain that the media will not accurately reflect either the range or the balance of opinions , ideas and beliefs within society , and consequently that there can not be a properly balanced and open debate on political issues within society .
15 There is no certainty that the House will hear them but it is certain that the Court of Appeal will not .
16 If so , it is certain that the quality of the professional advice will not be any better in Scotland than it was in England and Wales .
17 Apollinaire , however , remained personally most intimate with Picasso , and it is certain that the literary circle which surrounded Picasso , and which included Max Jacob and Pierre Reverdy , was more advanced than that around Gleizes and Metzinger , whose closest friends , men like Mercereau and Nayral , belonged to the circle of Paul Fort and the older generation of Symbolists .
18 Undoubtedly the risings were connected with each other in so far as the news of the initial outbreak in Essex seems to have sparked off further unrest in adjacent counties , and later in more remote parts , and it is certain that the general circumstances of the time created an atmosphere which was ripe for revolt , but the differences of aim among the different groups of rebels suggest that each had its own grievances which it hoped to right by force .
19 Our knowledge of this is patchy , and it is certain that the quantity of trade is not a precise reflection of the prosperity of English shipping , as many exports were carried in foreign vessels .
20 From the time of the Falklands War , it was certain that the Tories would win the next general election , and that Mrs Thatcher would gain new stature as Prime Minister .
21 When it was certain that the City of the Horizon would collapse , and all that it stood for , I wrote to him , to try to get him to save himself .
22 As it was certain that the aircraft could go faster an attempt was made on the world speed record .
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