Example sentences of "it [be] [prep] least [verb] " in BNC.

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1 On the whole Hercules is rather a barren constellation , but it is at least graced by the presence of these two splendid globulars .
2 Whatever the exact circumstances , it is at least clear that Eliot vacated Carlyle Mansions quickly and deliberately — and that he left behind him a man to whom he had been a companion for ten years .
3 The exact meaning of the word in relation to the status of the early civitas capitals is also still unresolved , but it is at least clear that we are dealing with a unit which enjoyed some measure of self-government .
4 A new constitution could not promise to bring an end to all these problems but it was at least hoped to correct some of the flaws in the Weimar constitution , which had been marked by unstable governments , numerous political parties , an over-powerful Presidency and inadequate constitutional guarantees .
5 Nothing like this concentration of naval power had ever been seen in Vietnam ; and we know that it was at least inspected by Vietnamese nationalists who may also have tried to make contact with Russian sailors .
6 But if not initiated by the Communist Party it was at least orchestrated by them although , as Scott notes , the destruction of land and tax records was virtually a peasant tradition in colonial Vietnam .
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