Example sentences of "it [verb] [not/n't] go [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It do n't go there
2 I ca n't make the machine go any bloody quicker , well I can , but I so what 's the point in that come and have a look at it and then they said come back and do it when you on the skin , you know the skin bring it forward well it do n't go back , it just gets all tangled .
3 Describing the American feature film , The Last Temptation of Christ , to which he awarded a certificate , as a challenging religious film he said that acontroversial scene : ‘ It indicated that Christ had sex , but it did not go on for 14 minutes . ’
4 On that morning , North dropped by Paul Thompson 's office , beside Poindexter 's , to tell him the gist of his conversation with Meese , ‘ that it did not go well ’ .
5 In the case of powder coatings Morton combined two businesses that it had acquired separately from Philip Morris and Chesebrough-Pond 's in the 1980s , and it did not go smoothly .
6 Purity became hegemonic in the early women 's movement , though it did not go entirely unchallenged .
7 MOSCOW ( Reuter ) — A Soviet parliamentary committee rejected the government 's proposed budget and economic plan for 1990 saying it did not go far enough in adapting the Soviet planned economy to competition and market forces .
8 A quite contrary type of criticism of the Devolution Bill came from those who felt it did not go far enough : the existing degree of administrative devolution in Scotland required a genuine , federal assembly even with taxing powers .
9 15 of them , together with Austria , issued a formal objection to the conference 's final statement , claiming that it did not go far enough in setting goals for limiting global warming , or in guaranteeing aid to developing countries .
10 Friends of the Earth , which has been campaigning for a clean-up programme , welcomed the announcement but said it did not go far enough .
11 It did not go in . ’
12 I do n't really care why it did n't go well .
13 er present work , and so I mean , you , you , could say we 'll take it , er two or three hundred complaints from London , and buy time I suppose , erm to see if if if er work up here had picked up or natural wastage went or what ever , erm , if it did n't go up then , I mean in the long term , erm one could n't envisage keeping on with more staff than what 's thought to be a fairly generously assessed formula anyway , says we need .
14 And we should come away about sort of seven o'clock in the evening , it did n't go on till late at night , you know , like some of them do now .
15 Although I was baptized into the Methodist faith I used to prefer the church service because it did n't go on so long .
16 You see , this really , this this parable i is the story of of , of something which is lost almost by default , it just wanders off , it just goes it 's own way it did n't set out to be lost , it did n't choose you know that i , it did n't go through earlier on in that day , in the little brain that the sheep has , there was n't the thought going , I am going to deliberately get lost today !
17 But it did n't go through .
18 We did n't stop talking like but the talk s just sort of stemmed around the house and the kids and it did n't go any further than that .
19 A lot of them worked with er coltsfoot it stayed in , it did n't go out with the sea-gusting . .
20 But it did n't go anywhere , just went straight down the plug- hole .
21 The whole audience was astounded and it did n't go down very well .
22 I remember we did a live version of ‘ Space Oddity ’ with acoustic guitar , bass and congas and it did n't go down so well . ’
23 But I did n't show it to her till the last night in case it did n't go down well .
24 It did n't go down well .
25 You suggested that Hazel should tell them our adventures , Blackberry , but it did n't go down well , did it ?
26 The family got him off the hook , of course , but it did n't go down well .
27 The corn was too for seed it did n't go down .
28 Oh right , I that that said , I thought that was another D , it could n't be , demotivated , erm , you 're too set in your ways , lack of detail , lack of commitment , irresponsible , is that , yes , lack of respect for your superiors , erm , disillusioned , you know , we er , we were going to put down things like er , mentally challenged , and things like that , but it did n't go down too well .
29 I mean I tried it once , and it did n't go down too well , even though I was on lunch .
30 First of all , because it is the capital ; Paris did n't want it and in London it would have been at Canary Wharf , which as you know is now in receivership , so thank goodness it did n't go there , and the Getty Museum is also restricted for visitors .
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