Example sentences of "to be held in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For definiteness , and to maximize the number of significant digits in the fraction , we require all non-zero floating-point numbers to be held in normalized form .
2 A special conference is likely to be held in late June or early July to pick a new leader and deputy under the party 's electoral college system , in which the unions , constituency activists and MPs all have a say .
3 From the early 1780s onwards an increasingly elaborate network of agents and informers kept foreigners and even many important figures in the government under surveillance , and from 1782 there was provision for dangerous political prisoners to be held in complete isolation in special underground cells .
4 At a dinner hosted by King Juan Carlos , King Hassan avoided mention of Morocco 's claim to the Spanish-administered North African enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla , but King Juan Carlos repeated his call for a referendum to be held in Western Sahara ( Spain 's former colony ) to allow the people to decide their own future .
5 Just as disturbingly , the draft guidance goes on to suggest that in order to allow future generations to have some reserves after 2011 , some of these potentially very damaging permissions should to be held in reserve to satisfy the principle of sustainable development !
6 Just as disturbingly , the draft guidance goes on to suggest that in order to allow future generations to have some reserves after 2011 , some of these potentially very damaging permissions should to be held in reserve to satisfy the principle of sustainable development !
7 Olivier Nwaha Binya'a appears to be held in indefinite administrative detention without any opportunity to challenge his imprisonment .
8 Unless overturned by the courts , the result appeared to open the way for a further referendum on constitutional reform which was likely to be held in early 1993 .
9 Fourteen other former government officials arrested as a result of the coup and since detained without charge or trial continue to be held in al-Mizze Prison in Damascus .
10 Shells were among the first substances to be held in high regard despite being of very limited use for practical purposes .
11 judges were to be irremovable , trials were to be held in public , juries were to adjudicate serious criminal cases , and elected justices of the peace were to hear minor criminal and civil cases .
12 Juries were to deal with serious criminal cases , elected justices of the peace were to hear minor criminal and civil cases , and trials were henceforth to be held in public .
13 Parents want the debate on the future of education of our children to be held in public with all interested parties making a contribution , not ashamedly and secretly in smoke-filled hotel rooms .
14 To the English , no settlement could be envisaged without consideration of their king 's claim to the crown of France , a claim which might be compensated for by the grant of other territories in France , to be held in full sovereignty .
15 They identified a variety of factors which were found to be held in common by a number of American companies recognised as meeting the criteria for excellence .
16 They act as a bond between people through providing amusement or an experience shared and believed to be held in common .
17 In some cases , though , the co-operation has to be institutional — the instruments of understanding , as well as their products , have to be held in common .
18 In 1724 a popular insurrection was organized among farmers , crofters , gypsies , and labourers against the Galloway lairds , who were enclosing with dykes land considered by the people to be held in common .
19 Such an order permits a child to be held in secure accommodation for up to three months at a first hearing , and six months on renewal .
20 In the past they 've called publicly for notorious joy riders to be held in secure units .
21 Mordechai Vanunu continues to be held in solitary confinement in Ashkelon prison .
22 All three were fined a total equivalent to US$25,000 million in compensation damages to the state and were to be held in solitary confinement at the naval base on San Lorenzo , an island off the port of Callao near the capital , Lima , where they had been tried .
23 Concert to be held in Holy Trinity Church on tenth of July , the conditions listed in the Reverend Mark 's letter were noted .
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