Example sentences of "to the need for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The introduction to this chapter made specific reference to the need for school management to plan the school 's path through the changing environment .
2 The complexity of buildings constructed today , and the large proportion of the work involving services , have led to the need for specialist subcontractors who play a large and important role in the building process .
3 It is a strength of Williamson 's theory that attention is drawn to the need for decision-making resources and to the importance of economizing on these .
4 In addition to the need for humility , discipline and singleminded devotion in the quest for Truth Gandhi lays stress on prayer .
5 At an April 18 press conference in London , Hamdi declined to describe the crisis as a " famine " — a point of contention with donor countries — but he did go further than previous official statements in referring to the need for emergency aid and saying that the UN World Food Programme had a free mandate to organize the operation .
6 Fourthly , reference has already been made to the need for cooperation to be perceived as beneficial .
7 He also paid insufficient regard to the need for compliance with his statutory obligations as a director and with regulatory matters concerning the company .
8 The statutory form that a responsible medical officer must complete to extend detention ( whether or not the patient is on leave of absence at the time ) refers unambiguously to the need for treatment in hospital .
9 There was seldom a meeting in which some speaker did not refer to the need for disestablishment and resolutions were passed in support of Welsh disestablishment , temperance and international arbitration , and against Tory bills on education .
10 This increased the ease with which the police could prosecute prostitutes , as they no longer required the assistance of an ‘ offended ’ member of the public , despite the fact that it was the supposed ‘ public nuisance ’ of street prostitution that had given rise to the need for legislation .
11 Such human needs will range from the basic ones for security , which are threatened when other members of an organization wish to close part of the operation down or attempt to perform the same operations with fewer personnel , to the need for self-realization , which may be threatened by extreme specialization and limited capabilities within the division of labour perceived by those in authority to be necessary for the maximization of their objectives ( which will invariably be presented as the goals of ‘ the organization ’ ) .
12 The early Greek and Roman rhetoricians were particularly sensitive to the need for integrity among those who used the power of word and gesture ( Burke , 1950 ) .
13 Nineteenth century Liberals used the idea of society as a biological organism to draw attention to the need for competition ( as between species ) , while twentieth century Liberals argued the reverse to justify greater collective provision , stressing not competition but the harmonious working of the organism as a whole .
14 We have pressed our European colleagues to face up to the need for change .
15 Executive Job Clubs have been set up , but for many they are havens of retreat where preconceptions can be themselves an obstacle to the need for change .
16 Lloyd 's has belatedly woken up to the need for change .
17 The answers to some of the questions posed in this booklet may give rise to the need for change .
18 In 1814 , inspired by Herder 's Stimmen der Völker , Vuk produced a volume of Serbian national songs , in the preface to which he drew attention to the need for standardisation of the language , for ‘ no two people approve of each other 's ways and write alike , but also no single man writes consistently … so it will be without cease , until our learned men … can agree amongst themselves , and in cooperation write a Serbian grammar and a single dictionary ’ .
19 Even personnel associated with stars will be wise to think ahead to the need for renewal .
20 Then , having referred to the need for belief under section 2(1) ( b ) to be an honest belief , Kerr L.J. , delivering the judgment of the court , said , at p. 642 :
21 That specific laminin receptors are differentially regulated in foetal , regenerating , and quiescent adult hepatocytes may not simply , therefore , be important for adhesive or structural reasons and may relate to the need for growth and development .
22 ‘ We have had our share of trouble , we have made our contribution to the need for power generation .
23 Mahat et al. ( 1986a , b , 1987a , b ) believe that in the Middle Mountain region of Nepal the loss of forest is due mainly to the increased requirements for arable land rather than to the need for fuelwood .
24 1.15 We were pleased to find references to the importance of English and to the need for co-operation across disciplines in the Reports of the National Curriculum Working Groups on Science and on Mathematics and in the interim report of the National Curriculum Design and Technology Working Group .
25 Moving towards the adaptation end of the spectrum , a few authorities ( North Tyneside , Avon , Lincolnshire ) draw attention to the need for collaboration between health and social services .
26 All contributing organisations receive acknowledgement on their specific vehicle as it travels hundreds of miles between schools , demonstrating commitment to the need for technology based skills for girls as well as boys .
27 Gradually Congress was won over to the need for tax increases and cuts in public expenditure .
28 The authors draw attention to the need for input statistics , so that questions such as :
29 A transfer of part of land in a registered title is a simple matter , too , but requires a plan to define the land ( and see remarks already made as to the need for accuracy ) and the document may also , of course , contain mutual rights and obligations such as rights of way , of support , of liability for maintenance of common parts , covenants to observe restrictions , etc .
30 It is the Government 's role to understand and to respond to the need for balance .
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