Example sentences of "to a [adj] understanding of " in BNC.

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1 The individual and Society strand introduces students to a critical understanding of the relationship between the individual and society in the modern world .
2 The knowledge gained is concerned with the history of the development of the built environment and , as in other disciplines , the resulting insights contribute both to a critical understanding of the present day , and to the formulation of strategies for future development .
3 In the introduction he had written in reference to Jakobson and Jones " s " shakespeare 's verbal art in Th'expence of spirit " that " There is too much information , not all of which is relevant to a critical understanding of the text " ( p. 7 ) .
4 I 'd like to comment briefly on two aspects of Karen 's response to my attentions , both of which are fundamental to a correct understanding of later events .
5 Each picks out a different type of factor and claims that it is the key to a causal understanding of the Industrial Revolution ; and in doing so , each relies on an undefended account of the assumptions that need to be embodied in satisfactory explanations .
6 Within a short space of time the student comes to a gradual understanding of the various patterns of attack .
7 It takes genius to go from playful thoughts about beetles to a deep understanding of the Universe .
8 Such information , derived from experimental perturbation of the embryo , " nay lead eventually to a clearer understanding of the processes governing the initial organization and differentiation of the fetus .
9 He was the last of the brothers ; whether or not he had any part in their deaths he could be the key to a clearer understanding of the two who had died .
10 The tasks used are spatial memory tasks which are normally used with neuropsychological patients , and it is hoped that the project will lead to a clearer understanding of the nature of spatial impairments following brain injury by clarifying the processing of spatial information presented simultaneously and sequentially .
11 This would lead to a clearer understanding of the relationships between international organisations , such as the European Community , which have acquired a measure of control over national policy , and the nations themselves .
12 Central to a Catholic understanding of religion and morality is the dual principle of love of God and love of neighbour .
13 The probing competitor analyses that are essential to a strategic understanding of a rapidly changing competitor environment cut across and involve all the major line divisions and staff functions in a corporation — domestic businesses , foreign businesses , sales , marketing , manufacturing , R & D , purchasing , finance , personnel , government affairs , public relations , and planning .
14 Only when the public comes to a fuller understanding of the place of the mentally handicapped in our society , and appreciates what mentally handicapped people are really like and what they can achieve , will real progress be made in their integration back into the society of which they are a part .
15 Only a life history approach can allow us to follow these threads to a fuller understanding of each person 's singular present .
16 Following his split with the SWP James and his small band of adherents joined with another small group , the Workers ' Party , and with the aid his close collaborators , Grace Lee and Raya Dunayevskaya , he set about the task of examining the Hegelian dialectic and Marxist doctrine , which he believed would lead him to a fuller understanding of the Soviet Union , and in particular , Stalinism .
17 What we hope to have shown so far , if only in a general way , is the vital link between theory and method which is so essential to a fuller understanding of methods of data collection .
18 Besides contributing to a deeper comprehension of the function of to , this study has also led to a fuller understanding of the role of the category of person in the infinitive .
19 Comparative studies can lead to a greater understanding of the factors and processes which determine industrial relations phenomena since ‘ the comparative method leads to questions regarding the reasons for the observed comparisons and contrasts ’ ( Dunlop , 1958 , p. vi ) .
20 The Economic and Social Research Council launched in early 1985 a major , multi-disciplinary research initiative with the general objective of promoting research which will contribute to a greater understanding of the relatively poor performance of British industry , including the service sector , and which will lead to its improvement .
21 The research aims to contribute to a greater understanding of the relatively poor performance of British industry in sustaining momentum in the exploitation of technological innovation .
22 When , for example , God is thought of as like light , the metaphor is meant to bring into play all kinds of overtones and ideas which can help the user to a greater understanding of the word God : light shares some characteristics which can be applied to God — but ones which can not be neatly packaged up in literal words .
23 These included higher-than-average proportions of women , pensioners , people in lower socio-economic groups , people not at the moment using credit ( although prepared to ) and — as might be expected — people admitting to a poor understanding of interest rates .
24 Betty Rizzo 's research has , of course , opened the door to a new understanding of Leapor .
25 In measuring tasks the difficulty factors have been found to relate to a fragile understanding of basic concepts such as fractions and decimals , and number scales .
26 You are taken from a general understanding of PCs , all the way to a thorough understanding of PCs and Networks , and how to implement a satisfactory level of security .
27 It adds considerably to our knowledge of the position of the individual in late Tsarist society and to a general understanding of that society .
28 Parts of the course have much in common with medical science ; thus veterinary graduates specialising in anatomy , biochemistry or physiology can contribute to a general understanding of the structure and function of the living body ; veterinary pathology can help to increase our knowledge of cancer , heart disease and other syndromes common to a variety of species .
29 Early man 's relationship with the birds offers a fairly obvious route to a possible understanding of this .
30 A course in the history of science would lead those students of the humanities to a better understanding of the nature of science ; it would also give scientists a better understanding of the place of science in the history of culture .
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