Example sentences of "to [be] described [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This will be done by giving for each subject a brief clinical case description , based on the application of a standard diagnostic schedule , to be described at the end of the chapter .
2 He is , indeed , entitled to be described as a great player , Britain 's nonpareil of the 1980s , who was eventually recognised as such by even the hardened doubters in Australia after his summer with Balmain in 1988 .
3 I 'm not sure that he would like to be described as a contacting Peter Hobson at Windyridge , Donington on Bain , Lincolnshire ( telephone : 0507 84737 ; fax : 0507 84393 ) as he dismantles fairly new vehicles .
4 For a text to be described as a nouveau roman it had to exhibit self-reflexive and metafictional features as well as foreground the exploration of the semantic and phonetic properties of language .
5 WHERNSIDE RISES to 2419 feet above the sea and is the highest , largest and least attractive of the Three Peaks ; indeed , unlike the other two , this great hill hardly deserves to be described as a peak , its smooth , bland outline nowhere suggesting a steep angular summit .
6 There was no path , and the ground was too stony to be described as a meadow .
7 SEE , HEAR , LOOK , LEARN Multimedia used to be described as a solution looking for a problem .
8 Teaching continues to be described as a profession , particularly by the leaders of the various trade unions in supporting claims for higher pay and better conditions for their members .
9 It would no doubt have upset Kumara Menon to be described as a member of the ‘ British bloc ’ ; Jacobs could not decide whether Menon was a visionary or was persuaded by the arguments of Patterson , Jackson and Djabi ( Syria ) .
10 Now it seems that some things work , especially those like the AEC that are associated with what has come to be described as the problem-focused/task-centred approach ( Roberts , 1990 ) .
11 She is said to possess 10,000 photogenic expressions but , for the time being , she simply sips thoughtfully at her iced Perrier and reflects for possibly the thousandth time on what it actually means to be described as The Most Beautiful Woman in the World .
12 Paradise Lost , like Colmris is a poem with a thesis , but the counter position of the thesis is so powerful that the poem , both these poems , have to be described as the enactment of a conflict , rather than the giving us of the result .
13 For example , a collision between a pedestrian and a car is very likely to be described by a speaker as a boy being run over by a car , rather than as a car knocking a boy down .
14 If player A follows the strategy suggested above we can deduce that B t 's beliefs on A's type continue to be described by a normal distribution , because the B t 's will face a signal extraction problem when they are forming their expectations of z .
15 For example , if Figure 14 is to be described by an active sentence in the present tense ( e.g. ‘ The boy is hitting the girl with a flower ’ ) the main verb will require an — ing affix , whereas if the planning frame is that of a passive sentence ( e.g. ‘ The girl is being hit by the boy with a flower ’ ) the auxiliary verb will require an — ing affix ( but the main verb will not ) and the preposition by will be needed .
16 This aim can be re-phrased to state exactly what behaviour has caused him to be described by the nursery teacher as ‘ aggressive ’ , for example ‘ Stop Keith kicking and hitting other children ’ .
17 It seems to us that it is a perfectly proper use of ordinary language and as such to be readily understood by ordinary literate men and women to say of a person in this appellant 's position that his services as an accountant were ‘ employed ’ by his customers , and that this state of affairs is properly to be described by the word ‘ employment . ’
18 The concept of structure allows cultural phenomena to be described in a ( relatively ) context independent way so that general instances can be analysed .
19 A clenched fist , a frosty stare or a head-thrust , feet-planted , arms-akimbo posture , being recognizable as proper parts or adjuncts to acts of real violence , can stand in for the real thing in the ritualized ‘ aggression ’ to be described in a later chapter of this book .
20 a special form of programming language which enables both text and graphics ( object or bit-image ) to be described in a series of mathematical statements .
21 The training to be described in the remainder of this article is that which is currently being offered by the Inner London Education Authority .
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