Example sentences of "to [be] said for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The devil has something to be said for him : he acts on his own initiative and is n't just following orders .
2 The Renaissance pulpit and the extremely grand organ above the west door have much to be said for them , but the overall effect of the interior is to drive you straight outside again to the restorative severity of tower , porch and portal .
3 Havelock Wilson who had , of course , been among those leaders to whom Larkin 's vituperation had been particularly directed , reserved his regrets for the oppressed people of Ireland whose cause had been so ill served by the " blunders and follies " of Larkin who " had such a splendid case , but made such a sorry mess of it , doing everything he ought not to have done and nothing that he ought to " and bringing , by his defeat , comfort to the Irish employers who had nothing good to be said for them at all .
4 Built as a rival to the parish church at Lavenham , Long Melford was financed by local parishioners , some of whose names were carved in stone around the clerestory in an inscription which called for prayers to be said for their souls .
5 When foreign-language teachers are nowadays being encouraged to ‘ play the role of a sympathetic native speaker ’ , there must be something to be said for their actually being ‘ sympathetic native speakers ’ .
6 Donald Davie , in a dispirited essay called ‘ Criticism and the Academy ’ , ruefully acknowledges that the belletrist criticism of men of letters such as Edmund Wilson and Cyril Connolly ( unequal figures , these , one has to remark ) might have more to be said for it than he , as a lifelong academic , would be happy to acknowledge :
7 It is not quite the setting the founders of the game envisaged but it has something to be said for it .
8 This approach has much to be said for it , and certainly makes for equal treatment for shareholders , creditors and third parties , and equal terms in these respects for establishment in each member state .
9 The ‘ case-work ’ approach had much to be said for it in that it entailed a serious attempt to analyse the nature of the problem confronting the individual or family and to achieve a lasting solution without removing the clients from their familiar environment .
10 But Arudy has little to be said for it ; it is a small , mildly industrial town , best known for marking the spot where the glacier that once ground its way down the Ossau valley built a wall of debris , so causing the present-day Gave to make an abrupt swerve to westward .
11 However , where funds can be round , the award of bursaries for education and music tuition has much to be said for it .
12 ABBERLEY : A lot to be said for it .
13 ‘ It 's got quite a lot to be said for it , Bob .
14 However , working women generally were by no means in favour of the double burden of work at home and in the factory and Mary MacArthur may well have spoken for a majority when she said : ‘ We are all familiar with the old ideal that women 's place is in the home , and I am sufficiently old fashioned to agree that there is something to be said for it ’ .
15 ‘ I was thinking that an obviously romantic setting has something to be said for it .
16 So although Frazer was doing a kind of anthropology that was later to be rather dis despised , it had something to be said for it .
17 What you 're not likely to see is the peculiarities of , of the person erm showing themselves and if they do show too much , the likelihood is that the rest of the group will start to erm freeze out that individual , regardless because they 're no longer corresponding to the to the ideals of the group and er so consequently , erm I personally have no time for group psychoanalysis and I would never recommend it to anybody , although of course , for non-analytic things like losing weight or in stopping smoking or drinking , there 's a lot to be said for it , but one should n't confuse that kind of group reinforcement with erm analysis , cos analysis as we 've seen is quite different .
18 So , but there is something to be said for it I 'm certainly not running it down , what I am saying is you ca n't .
19 It 's her first full-scale novel , and I think there 's a lot to be said for it .
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