Example sentences of "to [be] [vb pp] [det] week " in BNC.

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1 PISCES Whether or not you are going to be able to fully exercise your ability to earn a high income is likely to be revealed this week !
2 Nevertheless , there was a simple weight-loss equation on which it was possible to estimate the maximum amount of weight likely to be lost each week on any specific calorie allowance .
3 What would the Minister say to a constituent of mine whose business has been wrecked by the Government-created recession , whose home is to be repossessed this week because the Government 's rescue scheme is too late and inadequate , and whose family face bed-and-breakfast accommodation because the local council has no council houses to offer because the Government have cut council house building in Wales by 90 per cent ?
4 Scaffolding is expected to be erected this week , marking the start of work to halt the tower 's tilt , which is growing by up to three millimetres a month .
5 There 's serious talking to be done this week , especially is it now seems you are n't going to be able to escape an intense situation as quickly as you 'd hoped .
6 I mean er what I mean is it needs to be done this week sort of thing .
7 Mr Muawad , a pro-Syrian Maronite Christian , met deputies in the village of Ehden in the Syrian-controlled north to consult them about forming a cabinet , due to be announced this week .
8 Arrangements to introduce the new system of central scheduling were to be announced this week , but were called off at the last minute .
9 Sequent will ‘ preintegrate ’ NT , network and application software , particularly SQL Server and Oracle 7 databases , in its new boxes under an expanded joint development pact with Microsoft to be announced this week .
10 IBM Corp and Sybase Inc have cooked up a co-development and co-marketing deal revolving around the RS/6000 to be announced this week .
11 Sequent will pre-integrate NT , network and application software , particularly SQL Server and Oracle 7 databases , in its new boxes under an expanded joint development pact with Microsoft to be announced this week .
12 His own superscalar Sparc chip , HyperSparc , due to be announced this week ( UX No 383 ) , is still lagging behind Viking .
13 Island Graphics is set to become the first — and so far the only — application for Solaris-on-Intel , to be announced this week at PC Expo .
14 The results of recent behind-the-scenes attempts by Mr Cecil Parkinson , the Transport Secretary , to win extra funds from the Treasury for transport infrastructure are due to be unveiled this week .
15 The increasing determination among marketers to develop pan-European strategies is underlined in a report to be unveiled this week by agency network Euro RSCG .
16 Those are due to be auctioned this week in Edinburgh .
17 ‘ It 's quite a staff , ’ she murmured , thinking of the wages to be paid each week , to say nothing of the paperwork .
18 When it was announced that the orders were to be considered this week , the instruments were not in the hands of our clerk and our counsel .
19 LEGAL action to prevent the BBC making and broadcasting a drama documentary about the Orkney child abuse controversy is to be considered this week by families at the centre of the affair .
20 ’ A book in the J. C. R. had to be signed each week to record the hours of war work required of us in return for the privilege of remaining students , and the variety of jobs was immense , including , in the long vacation , harvest and fruit-picking camps in various parts of rural England .
21 So it is n't going to be used this week ?
22 The plan by Durham County Council highways authority is likely to be agreed this week by Wear Valley District Council .
23 Poll tax likely to be set this week
24 In an interview in the magazine Director to be published this week , Dr Runcie denies that there are ‘ tensions and suspicions ’ between Lambeth Palace and 10 Downing Street , but he points out that the Church of England is active in parts of the country where the Conservative Party has little support .
25 There 's more £10,000 to be won each week in the Daily Mirror — and a chance to win even more prizes in in our sister papers , the Sunday Mirror and The People .
26 There is a lot of money to be won this week and people should earn it not only on the course but off it as well . ’
28 The 80486SLC box with 4Mb to 6Mb , disk and facsimile modem , weighs 2 lbs 8 oz , and it is to be launched this week at $2,500 .
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