Example sentences of "have spent [det] time [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Walter Last has spent some time developing a system for cutting the compound angles on the segments for his turning
2 Having spent that time programming some sounds I feel proud of , I 'm not so sure .
3 Having spent some time delving into the subject , I can report that pen computers are still mostly useless because of the lack of proper pen software .
4 It was nearly six-thirty by the time she arrived back at the hotel , having spent more time wandering through Strøget on the way there .
5 Even the most positivist anthropologist , knowing the statistical significance of categories of population , would not have been immune from a romantic curiosity , would perhaps have spent more time visiting this wastefully subsidized relic of the past than a cool assessment of scientific value could warrant .
6 I was , as you might imagine , a little taken aback by this request and ordinarily the matter might have been one I would have spent some time pondering .
7 In order to do this , he or she has to have considerable experience of the advertising business , and may well have spent some time working for a client company .
8 We had spent much time looking for the right place and seemed to have explored almost every corner of the country , from Devon to Cumberland , and had almost settled on a disused mill at Fisherton-de-la-Mare , near Amesbury .
9 It had been a well-known fact that their last medical officer had spent little time studying new methods of health and safety and accident prevention and there had been an ever-present air of friction between himself and Ron Banks .
10 ‘ Do stop worrying , ’ Lili ordered him , after he had spent some time fulminating against the iniquities of the gallery owner .
11 She 'd come into the women 's group after the others had spent some time talking about their individual relations to femaleness ; feminism for her was a safe place , a rhetoric spoken to her by other women , a description they made of her , a set of ideas they had worked out and which she acquired to wear as a badge .
12 As an example of US energy inefficiency , he said he had spent more time going to and from meetings during the Houston summit than in the meetings themselves .
13 One only wishes that he had spent more time gaining a perspective outside America .
14 Because I 've spent more time trying it .
15 I 've spent enough time watching her paint me ! ’
16 And you 've spent some time doing this , do n't you , Adam ?
17 But no , you have spent enough time writing to a poor ignorant serving girl .
18 I have spent some time strolling awestruck inside Luci Arrighi 's magnificent , painstaking re-construction of the tunnel .
19 That 's why badgers which have spent some time recouperating need a home of their own .
20 Their meaning is not easily grasped by those who have spent some time studying the Christian faith , and yet the church still presents these complicated extracts from the Bible and the ASB to people who may never have heard the name of God spoken reverently before , and who are searching for some germ of belief to help them understand the vacuum created by the death of the person they love .
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