Example sentences of "have led to [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The role of the link programme is to promote an exchange of ideas and has led to visits in both directions .
2 It has led to changes in the law relating to the continued confinement of restricted mental patients ; the release of discretionary life sentence prisoners ; , and regulations on the marriage of prisoners , their correspondence , and access to lawyers .
3 Divers dangers The dramatic rise in diving 's popularity has led to fears for the safety of people new to the sport .
4 The dog dirt problem has led to fears for the health of pupils .
5 The degree of failure has led to differences in absolute levels of economic performance between Britain and most of the advanced economies , which have begun to alter the relationship between them .
6 The collapse of socialist governments in the USSR and GDR has led to withdrawal of their technical support .
7 This compares with around three million at the same stage of the last BT share sale in 1991 and has led to criticism of the £15 million advertising campaign .
8 A police investigation has led to charges of assault against five officers .
9 This has led to competition among existing havens to attract a larger share of the market , and to a steady influx of new locations offering investors an attractive environment .
10 The killing of 582 Risso dolphins on a remote beach in southern Japan has led to outrage amongst international wildlife groups .
11 This has led to proposals for a move to an EC type approach which we discuss later .
12 The breadth of section 4(5) has led to difficulties of interpretation .
13 This has led to difficulties in interpretation of the possible sequence of events in the development of enhanced platelet reactivity in diabetics .
14 The success of the promotion has led to requests for information flooding in from all over Europe and the US .
15 Alienation within the present system has led to activity outwith the political system and to the creation of social movements through the need to publicise grievances and uncertainties about everyday life and to urge the necessity of democratising life in these areas .
16 There is a distinct paucity of entirely new courses to mention , but the ‘ work in hand ’ element of Nelson 's various acquisitions over the years has led to Workout at intermediate and upper intermediate level ( née Collins ) , as well as Nelson 's own Distinction , a new post-FCE course some of the exercises in which follow the format of the CAE exam .
17 Her remarkable eye for talent has led to star-spotting in some very unusual places .
18 It is probably time that this was reconsidered ; in secondary schools it has led to absurdities like the daily dose , the thirty-five minute lesson , and the conviction that , though all subjects are theoretically equal ( hence the standard four period per week allocation ) some ( English and maths ) are more equal than others , and need a longer allocation .
19 That has led to mountains of surplus ACT in companies where UK earnings are not high enough to absorb the ACT .
20 More often than not , these duties overlap , and , as we shall see later , this has led to problems for both conglomerates and the regulatory authorities .
21 RECESSION has led to misery for millions but none more so than workers made Redundant and those whose homes have been Repossessed .
22 The Labour leader 's low profile through the summer has led to rumbles of discontent .
23 Their fascination with dinosaurs has led to discussions on conservation and ecology , writing their own stories and practise in drawing from observation .
24 In the USA , it notes , there has been a storm of protest over a government decision not to insist on tests and labelling of genetically modified foods , which has led to calls for boycotts of gene foods .
25 The number of frauds has led to calls for tightening up of audits of investment businesses , and particularly a reduction in the number of many thousands of auditors who examine investment firms so that the ones left can develop greater expertise .
26 This in turn has led to systems of employment of labour which , while not unique , yet display a measure of variety and flexibility rarely encountered in other industries .
27 Co-operation between Ballistic and Performance Composites and the Shildon site has led to plans for a joint stand at the Royal Navy and British Army Equipment Exhibition in Aldershot in September .
28 Progress in this area has led to developments in the field of knowledge representation , since the appropriate documents can only be retrieved if the content of the text can be matched with the content of the query [ Hirschman & sager , 1982 ] .
29 This has led to feelings of abandonment in older people , and of considerable guilt in younger relatives .
30 This has led to sales of houses , land and contents to meet the syndicate losses .
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