Example sentences of "have actually [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Bettelheim and Zelan ( 1982 ) demonstrate how vocabulary load in readers has actually diminished across the years : First readers in the 1920s contained on average 645 different words ; in the 1930s 460 , in the 1940s and 1950s 350 words .
2 I , I mean obviously I hope the decisions will go my way because Keith has actually argued in the past that we should disregard F E , because he says it 's , it 's impossible to fairly take account of that , and what he means is there 's no F E formulae in Northallerton , so he knows that if F E is excluded Northallerton will be at a major divan
3 The report says : ‘ Further evidence of the appeal of owner-occupation is that the proportion of council tenants expecting eventually to buy their present home has actually increased over the years . ’
4 He noted , in mitigation , that P-E Group 's share of the UK consulting market has actually increased against the backdrop of biting recession — The Management Consultancies Association recorded a £36m fall in revenues among its members .
5 Moreover , the creation of political boundaries in the Sahelian countries during colonial and post-colonial times has actually contributed to the disruption of a carefully regulated system of pastoral movements and pastoral-agricultural symbiosis , leading to environmental deterioration and desertification ( Franke & Chasin 1980 : Ch.3 & p.98 ) .
6 Money was allocated , but due to delays in passage of the Bill through Parliament , as has so often been the case before , no money has actually flowed from the coffers in Rome .
7 If one cuts through all the technicalities and complexities of the document , which has actually gone to the Social Security Advisory Committee , it is perfectly clear that that was the core intention behind the Government 's move .
8 Rozario finding Collimore , that 's a great turn by Collimore my word the shot has actually gone into the second tier of the stand behind the goal .
9 Compared with other workers the position of the agricultural worker has actually deteriorated since the war .
10 However , no new phyla have appeared since the Cambrian period , some 500 million years ago , hinting , as Gordon Rattray Taylor once pointed out , that perhaps evolution has actually come to a halt .
11 The chlorine we detect in the rivers has actually come from the ocean .
12 Right so if you go er into squared and estimate the equation , right , it has actually estimated over the full sample period has it , no it has n't no alright it has n't estimated so that 's an equation estimated over the first sum , first sub sample , right , if you press the return key again right right , at the bottom in the table of diagnostic tests you 'll see Chow 's predictive failure test , right and also erm the Chow test .
13 I do n't deserve that forgiveness , but the God who loves me who has actually died on the cross for me has actually taken all of that away and more than that has made me new , has actually raised me as a new life with him .
14 It may be that Britain has overemphasised the potential benefits of free trade ; that she has actually benefited from the protectionist philosophy which permeates the EEC ; that being a member of a cohesive new power bloc is what has counted ; that the ‘ fight ’ with the Americans over agricultural matters is a case in point ; that had she been on her own , Britain would have been trampled over by her cousins on the other side of the Atlantic .
15 The primary aims are to establish an analytical framework in which the effects of ownership changes on corporate behaviour and performance can be modelled ; to compare what has actually happened to the organisation of nationalised and denationalised firms in France and Britain : and to devise appropriate tools and data sets for later empirical and econometric investigation .
16 If we contrast that er view of what will happen in future district plans with what has actually happened under the Hambleton District plan which I know you have a copy of .
17 So poor has been the overall AGR performance , in fact , that it has actually resulted in a fall in the proportion of nuclear electricity produced on the CEGB system .
18 I see a set of conclusions that achieve almost everything that was demanded at that time and I am grateful to everybody concerned who 's actually sat down and actually really thought about what we 're trying to do and everybody has made some compromise here and I shall certainly support this amendment and I shall make the compromise because the one thing in here that I thought was necessary that is n't there is the statement that there will be a head of centre and having actually worked in a project , head of sorry , head of project and having actually worked in a situation where I was a joint manager erm in the long run I think people will see the the wisdom of of a single head of project .
19 I see a set of conclusions that achieve almost everything that was demanded at that time and I am grateful to everybody concerned who 's actually sat down and actually really thought about what we 're trying to do and everybody has made some compromise here and I shall certainly support this amendment and I shall make the compromise because the one thing in here that I thought was necessary that is n't there is the statement that there will be a head of centre and having actually worked in a project , head of sorry , head of project and having actually worked in a situation where I was a joint manager erm in the long run I think people will see the the wisdom of of a single head of project .
20 He therefore concentrated his attention not on the Kent coast but on the Isle of Wight , where the French had actually landed in the past and which , once occupied , could serve as a base to paralyse and capture Portsmouth .
21 Unlike many of my black informants , this boy had actually lived in the Caribbean for five years : between the ages of three and six in his mother 's country , Jamaica , and later , when he was of school age , for two years in St Vincent .
22 Iraq categorically denied such reports , but they persisted in the West and one US news agency reported later in the day that Iraqi troops had actually crossed into the Kuwaiti-Saudi Neutral Zone .
23 M M My Lords , erm on the second point my Noble Friend makes , that 's absolutely true and it really was again quite depressing to see that erm er a member in in in the and the other place Mr Don Foster on behalf of the Liberals , had actually written to every single Chief Education Officer er concerning anti er concerning campaigning against er the opting out policy , as to the other point my Noble Friend makes , it 's absolutely true that erm all the service that have been done and there 's one very recently reported , that the amount of value for money o obtained for every single grant maintained school outstrips the L E A maintained schools .
24 On the other hand , the middle classes would have been shocked and appalled if the workers had actually asked for the sort of life they themselves took for granted , and even more if they had looked like achieving it .
25 Only that morning she had stood , she , Kitty Bainbridge , had actually stood in a queue for nail polish , and when it came to her turn there was no more left .
26 Well he had actually retired from the police force , he 'd been cited and he 'd been cleared , but he was actually , as it turned out later , practising paedophilia and as he realized that in fact the investigation was coming close to him , he shot himself
27 It was odd enough to see that rather feminine room crammed full with so many stern , dark-jacketed gentlemen , sometimes sitting three or four abreast upon a sofa ; but such was the determination on the part of some persons to maintain the appearance that this was nothing more than a social event that they had actually gone to the lengths of having journals and newspapers open on their knees .
28 ‘ And , ’ he pursued pleasantly , ‘ I certainly had n't guessed that you had actually gone to the trouble of speculating on my reactions — to illness or to anything else , ’ he added quietly .
29 On the morning she was expected in the office for the signing ceremony , Stephen Navin , Virgin 's lawyer , telephoned the singer 's lawyers , only to learn that she had actually signed for a larger sum to CBS the day before .
30 One possible interpretation is that , since they are talking about different historical periods , the nature of family relationships in Lancashire had actually changed between the middle of the nineteenth century and the early part of the twentieth ( Lewis , 1984 , p. 54 ) .
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