Example sentences of "have already been [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Just remember , too , that a man has already been killed and another one half killed .
2 It has already been seen that , if the defendant knows that his assailant was a policeman , it will not avail him as a defence if he mistakenly thinks that the policeman was exceeding his powers .
3 In contrast under the CPA 1987 , it has already been seen that there are different rules relating to each part of the statute .
4 It has already been stated that the main aim of the service was to be the construction of flexible packages of care for clients by , firstly , liaising with other services to provide or increase where necessary the client 's receipt of existing services , and , secondly , by ‘ topping up ’ existing services ( where the development officer thought extra care was necessary to maintain someone at home ) through the employment of local support workers .
5 It has already been stated that one of the most important premises underlying the theories and conclusions of this book , is that earthly life exists to be enjoyed .
6 It has already been stated that the miracle is important because it gives the clearest reason why Jesus healed .
7 ‘ Race suicide is possible ’ , exclaimed an anonymous commentator on ‘ Sport and Decadence ’ in 1909 , while another author writing under the cloak of anonymity warned in 1912 of ‘ a canker at the heart of the people which will surely destroy it ’ , believing that ‘ the first stage of decay has already been reached when the stolid , God-fearing puritan of two-and-a-half centuries ago has given place to the shallow , hysterical cockney of today ’ .
8 You have tried to either update a product which has already been registered or to register a product which has already been registered .
9 It has already been argued that physics is constructed through a series of dualities in which physics is rated positively , and other disciplines , chiefly the arts , are rated negatively .
10 Yet it has already been argued that the marginal costs of the good will be a function of the number of people in the community , and therefore , relate to different numbers ( e.g. 100 , 200 , 300 residents in the community ) .
11 Much has already been completed but its scale and impact has been far greater in the lowlands than in the LFAs .
12 The music company 's new 24,000 sq ft warehouse and office building has already been completed and the Sainsbury 's store is scheduled to open in early 1994 .
13 It is also important to check that the limited company has already been incorporated and that it does actually have the power to own the property .
14 ‘ It has already been said that the Duchess of York will only make a fleeting visit with princesses Beatrice and Eugenie so it looks like that the two royal outlaws will now just be bringing the children to tea . ’
15 Much has already been said that has a bearing upon the underlying significance of the environment .
16 It has already been said that your daily programme of language learning should include the ingredients of listening , mimicking , practice ( drilling ) and participating .
17 I ca n't realy add much to what has already been said except that I saw the goals on Manc of the day and thought theirs were all sloppy and avoidable .
18 It is worth emphasizing what has already been said or implied , that all seven of the connections at which we have looked , and the further subordinate ones at which we shall not look , are indeed objective connections , connections in reality .
19 Something has already been said as to the assignment of ordinary debts and ‘ choses in action' ; and the law relating to negotiable instruments — bills of exchange , cheques , and promissory notes — will be dealt with in the next chapter .
20 I will not dwell upon them but will re-emphasise what has already been said and ask you to give us all your support .
21 Er ninety three was not a good year for recruiting from the point of view of elections as has already been said because we did n't have any elections and therefore er it was n't possible to er to canvas and consequently er we were struggling to recruit new members .
22 Much has already been achieved but more work needs to be done , particularly in attitudes to reducing costs . ’
23 The initial target of 120 members for the co-op has already been achieved and the group is aiming to market 70,000 lambs and 6000 head of beef cattle in its first year .
24 ‘ It 's much easier for a company to run a standard operating system on a telephone switching system , ’ says Price , ‘ because the systems management stuff has already been developed and can run on it too . ’
25 Much — if not all — of the technology necessary for Ecotopia to function has already been developed or is in the process of being developed .
26 Using option 5.3.2 — Update Issue , the issue may be updated further unless it has already been despatched whereupon only the contact name and maintenance dates may be changed .
27 Using this option again ( option 5.3.2 — Update Issue ) , the issue may be updated further unless it has already been despatched whereupon only the contact name and maintenance dates may be changed .
28 Comparable material on family farming practices in Finland has already been collected and analysed in a previous research project .
29 The data will be retrieved from the database , assuming that it has already been collected and stored .
30 Their potential has already been recognised and exploited in other fields — schools will not so much be moving with the times as running to catch up .
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