Example sentences of "have already [been] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Each of the words within the compounds has already been assigned a root-index as in table 4.5 .
2 The motor industry has already been lobbying the Treasury to widen the fuel tax gap further in favour of diesel , partly in the interests of reducing pollution .
3 The hypothesis is that we have now reached the end of the particular combination known as Fordism and are embarking on an as yet embryonic and relatively unknown period , but one which has already been given a name — neo-Fordism .
4 The scheme has already been dubbed the ‘ M12 ’ and a Stop the M12 action group has been formed , drawing support from many villages south of Chelmsford .
5 For example , it has been pointed out that one person can not be asked the same question twice , the second time he is not the same person because he has already been asked the question once .
6 He has already been told the prize money will be forwarded to his association .
7 As has already been shown the discourse of the Report excludes not only the majority contemporary culture , but also any sense of former cultural , political , or social conflicts and struggles .
8 This criticism is forcefully made by Connolly , in the course of a discussion of structuralist theories , of which he takes Althusser s to be a prime example : One of the two complaints aired in this passage has already been discussed the incredulous observation that we can not view people as role-bearers who lead complicated lives in modern industrial societies and simultaneously regard them as determined .
9 The judge said he 'd already been punished a thousand times .
10 At any point of the communication process , there will have already been established a certain linguistic and non-linguistic environment .
11 Patients randomised to the tablet groups were advised to continue their pre-trial diets — unless they had already been taking a high fibre diet — in which case they were encouraged to reduce their fibre intake during the trial .
12 He had already been dubbed the ‘ Quaker murderer ’ .
13 Before the coup attempt , commentators had already been expressing the fear that economic decline could exacerbate the conflict inherent within the country 's heterogeneous racial structure .
14 Chris had already been given a severe ticking-off when he 'd admitted to the box-office that he 'd lost count of the number of tickets and cheques he 'd stuffed into all his suit pockets .
15 ( In the Soviet Union a draft law allowing all citizens to obtain a passport quickly had already been given a first reading , and the Soviet delegate estimated that between 1,500,000 and 2,000,000 Soviet citizens could decide to emigrate " in the first two to three years " . )
16 They had found a small table tucked in between three long ones , and had already been given a jug of iced water , a long loaf , a pot of butter and a plate of olives .
17 She had already been given an operation for biliary atresia which is designed to unblock or bypass the blockage leaving scar tissue which is more likely to bleed .
18 These committees were to work in concert with the police and with the KGB ( which , under a Nov. 23 USSR Supreme Soviet resolution , had already been given the responsibility of ensuring that food aid from abroad did not fall into the hands of speculators ) .
19 Unbeknown to his stepson , the old man had already been scanning the local papers with a view to hiring some kind of enquiry agent to search far and wide for the son who had absconded all those years ago , but as yet he had not been given the opportunity to do anything positive .
20 Cadfael had already been considering the same question , and could only conclude that the abbot had indeed total faith that the Gospels would justify Shrewsbury in possession of its saint .
21 By late afternoon at least 50 passengers had called off their trips on Flight 51 , while French airport police stepped up security that had already been tightened a week ago because of a feared terrorist attack .
22 The profession had already been reviewing the role of the pension scheme actuary and this groundwork will be useful in responding to the calls which have been made for the professionals involved in pension funds , including actuaries , to play a stronger role .
23 He had already been doing the job unofficially , and now would be paid for it .
24 Four political parties had already been allocated an exact number of seats in the Little Hural from party preferences returned during the July elections [ see table below ] .
25 The defects of the present set-up were inherited from the previous regime and those who see Prean 's point of view and are aware of the dissatisfaction of many players at the way in which computer points are calculated had already been planning a more advanced system .
26 Barcelona had already been refused a penalty , but they soon drew level through Julio Salinas , the deceptively inelegant striker who has taken Gary Lineker 's reluctant ill-fitted role on the right wing and , on Saturday , made such a good job of it that he might have had a hat-trick but for Francisco Buyo 's reflexes .
27 More than a third of the population — almost 20 million — watched the compilation of clips from earlier shows , which had already been screened a year before .
28 More particularly , and because Vietnam had already been accorded the key position in Southeast Asia , ‘ Soviet domination of the potential power of Eurasia , whether achieved by armed aggression or by political and subversive means , would be strategically and politically unacceptable to the US ’ .
29 He was 44 years old and he had already been acclaimed the First Great American painter .
30 As to my sign , you 've already been given an important clue .
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