Example sentences of "have already [vb pp] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The BMA has already pinpointed cycling as a way of reducing Heart Disease and cancer , so we clearly have grounds for promoting better facilities for cycling for health reasons and not just to reduce accidents .
2 One course being considered is to issue short-term deficit-financing bonds and to increase taxes on oil and oil products , an idea that Japan 's oil industry has already begun lobbying against .
3 ‘ Rock ’ climbing has already overtaken shopping as the number one leisure pursuit in most parts of the developed world — and still has a good way to go before it peaks .
4 OSF which is said to have already started coding for the GAIA specification , has slated the middle of next year to deliver the first snapshots of the specification .
5 He had already begun publishing on electromagnetism , and in a paper of 1847 he suggested an analogy between an incompressible solid and a magnetic field .
6 Endill had already begun thinking of escape .
7 He had already begun contributing to the Gardeners ' Chronicle .
8 Scotland had its own Royal Commission established in the same year ; in Wales consultations had already begun leading to the appointment of a working party ( Wood 1976 : 119 ; Alexander 1928b:29 ) ; and Northern Ireland was still governed in these matters from Stormont .
9 Flynn , she found , had already gone recruiting in Hertford .
10 The Polytechnic 's case for retaining teacher education was based on four main arguments : that it was the only public sector institution of higher education in the Principality which provided the full integration of teacher education with the remainder of the higher education system ; that the proposals would leave the largest education authority in Wales employing the largest number of teachers , without involvement in teacher education ; that the Polytechnic had already stopped recruiting for the Certificate of Education course , in line with the DES policy of seeking an all-graduate profession , and in September 1976 had attracted the largest number of teacher-training students with a minimum of two GCE A levels in the Principality ; and that the Polytechnic was being called upon to make a disproportionate sacrifice because it would have to drop its Dip.HE/BEd. programme which was a basic component of a newly developed integrated system of degree courses .
11 ‘ Touring on my own was good crack , but I wanted security and it was time to make a serious decision about the future — whether to become a lawyer ( and I had already started applying for jobs ) or to take a more businesslike approach to the music . ’
12 Mr Wilson said Nerco had already started disposing of the gold and silver operations .
13 In Sarajevo , UN planes had already started landing at the airport before the formal announcement by the Bosnian capital that it would accept the aid , ending a protest mounted because UN relief was not getting through to 100,000 Muslims cut off by Serbs in eastern Bosnia .
14 In the earlier 5-year plans many environmentally destructive problems arose ; the relocated Indonesians found that on arrival , despite a policy of grass planting on a contour basis , soil erosion had already occurred resulting in nutrient depletion .
15 He had already considered returning to London in the closing stages of the war , but had thought better of it .
16 er , she said you 're just right for it she said , but er she said we 've already finished filming for today , which they had , she said but if you come tomorrow , she said we 're er , we 're filming the dog race
17 In anticipation of Moses ' demands , some vendors including Computer Associates and systems management start-up OpenVision Technologies Inc ( UX No 434 ) , have already begun talking to Moses about product compliance .
18 Teachers whose fourth-year pupils have already started working towards the 1994 exams , are working blind as it is impossible to know how these levels will be viewed until after the results are published .
19 CCG are recruiting about 70 staff to run the site , and some have already started working on site security and other services during the mobilisation phase .
20 At the moment , because it is coming up to Christmas and I have already started going to dinners , it is a Principles ' jacket .
21 To this end I have already started talking to as many people as I can in the local area , with some good response , but now wish to approach a wider audience — hence the appeal to you .
22 somebody 's already gone looking for you .
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