Example sentences of "have brought back [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Rushing over to the open suitcase standing on a side table , she snatched from it the long paper-cutter she had brought back for Harold from New York .
2 A really great scholar , he had a unique opportunity to develop his abilities , because Biscop had brought back to Jarrow some 200 to 300 antique books that he had managed to acquire in southern Italy .
3 But , at that time , none of us had seen Hell in person We 'd seen a picture of The Heartbreakers that Malcolm had brought back from New York — the one in which it was meant to look like they 'd been shot in the heart but in fact looked like they d all had the same accident with a ketchup bottle .
4 In his book " Memoirs of an Artist Naturalist " ( 1954 ) he mentions these visits , quoting from his diary for " September 24 , 1936 , hawking in the afternoon with a gyr-falcon which the late Ernest Vesey ( pen name of Ernest Lewis ) had brought back from Iceland . "
5 Incidentally , they were things that Mikhoels had brought back from Chagall as a gift for the Tretyakov Gallery .
6 ’ On the north-east corner he asked for a castellated bell tower in which to house the bell he had brought back from Lille .
7 On Wednesday , he swallowed his pride , banked Dysart 's cheque and purchased a car with most of what remained from the cash he had brought back from Rhodes .
8 From an early age , his mother and father showed him the illustrated books on the subject which they had brought back from London , and described at length the wonders of the ballets they had seen danced there by the Diaghilev company , ‘ when they were young and in love ’ , as John put it later .
9 He was ostracized after his return by an ‘ electorate ’ which certainly included the 4000 hoplites he had brought back from Ithome , who went on to fight the Spartans hard over thy next decade and a half of warfare ( the First Peloponnesian War , see further p. 39 ) .
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