Example sentences of "have brought [pron] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Her mother has brought her to Boltwood three times before and the intervals between the illnesses are getting markedly longer .
2 We 're asking for a union campaign , and I 've got to applaud Mick and APEX at the APEX conference , we are at the forefront of this issue , we 've worked hard with that family , Jenny and Peter to bring this issue to the , to national attention , through that , our Euro M P , through Denise there , Denise has brought it into Europe .
3 1:3 , 23 ) has brought us into God 's new creation ( 2 Cor.
4 She thought of what he 'd said about New England that day he 'd brought her to Rome , and how arrogantly she 'd reacted .
5 ‘ My lord said that he 'd brought you from Gloucester , ’ volunteered Ellen , setting a trencher of bread and fruit on the table , ‘ where you 'd been held since your father 's death .
6 It was perhaps as a member of Gloucester 's retinue that he fought at Bannockburn in June 1314 , where Gloucester was killed ; and his performance in the battle , for which he was later rewarded with land worth 100 marks a year , may have brought him to Edward II 's notice .
7 ‘ I 've brought something for Great-Granny , ’ she said several times , while the storm went on around her pigtailed head and finally spent itself .
8 ‘ My lord sheriff , reverend gentlemen , ’ said the earl , ‘ you come very aptly , if Robin has reported your errand rightly , for I confess I 've been tempted to lift the lid on whatever it is they 've brought me from Ullesthorpe .
9 Work had brought them to London , which they regarded as Down South .
10 It was the Mataura that had brought them from Scotland , and it had to be a good omen .
11 Osbern of Eu and his companions attended , in splendid humour because of the good news the King had brought them from Cumbria .
12 Mr Koc recalled asking Mr Ata Nur Kuntar , one of the Turks who had brought him to Britain , what had happened .
13 Mr Koc recalled asking Mr Ata Nur Kuntar , one of the Turks who had brought him to Britain , what had happened .
14 In fact , it was while he was up for the interview that he read in The Times the advertisement that had brought him to Burleigh :
15 The irony for England was that had he decided differently he would have been playing for them rather than against them , for his parents had brought him from Barbados at the age of twelve to live in Reading , and he had played for England schoolboys .
16 She briefly outlined the events which had brought her to France , omitting , however , for the time being , the question mark over her parentage .
17 She was still unable to speak about the circumstances which had brought her to Madame Chardin 's .
18 So she hoovered the floor , made a leisurely and politically correct lasagne , whipped egg whites , chilled good wine , luxuriated in the lion-gold tobacco Dionne had brought her from France , wondered about writing to the manufacturers about distribution in England .
19 It was that sense which had brought me to Munding , which had set me hunting the Green Man in the woods .
20 To cheer himself up , the guard asked about us and what had brought us to Egypt .
21 The commission that had brought us to Préfleur was for music to a libretto by M. Xavier Frontenac .
22 He had brought it to London with him from Plumford , together with a selection of Emorian documents and one of his mother 's account books .
23 It was Hana 's picture , and she had brought it from Prague herself .
24 This week it 's brought them to Blackpool … a week by the seaside to remind the Labour party conference of their fight …
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