Example sentences of "have shown [conj] it be " in BNC.

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1 Analysis has shown that it is not just the recipe for the pickling solution which affects the colour but , more fundamentally , low levels of alloying elements added to the copper .
2 Defendants are permitted to prove their innocence to the extent of whatever accounts and receipts they may have , but case law has shown that it is impossible to prove that savings from wages are not the fruit of crime , being just money in the bank .
3 In addition , experience has shown that it is equally important to make a provisional assessment of factors such as development and staffing costs , and the technical feasibility of pursuing any proposed computer initiatives .
4 The Commission has shown that it is able to act with relative speed under this procedure and has taken a variety of actions under it , including ordering a party to supply another party , refusing to allow undertakings to acquire further shares in a company in a takeover situation , ordering the cessation of predatory pricing and an order requiring the execution of a detailed supply agreement under which the Commission was to be notified of any price changes by the offending party or any case where it was unable to fulfil orders .
5 More recent research has shown that it is only some carbohydrate foods which cause this problem , not all of them .
6 Experience has shown that it is not enough to train PHCNs for a year and then send to isolated rural clinics .
7 It is obvious that if the point in In re X ( A Student ) , 11 November 1991 , arose again , a more sophisticated analysis of what happened in 1837 would be required although we are far from convinced that the result would be very different and the history of that case has shown that it is a useful residual power for the judges to possess in exceptional circumstances .
8 Yet , given the opportunity and some imaginative presentation , the urban population has shown that it is capable of responding , judging by the numbers who take an interest at county shows or who turn up at the pitifully few farms which organize public open days .
9 But experience has shown that it is possible to create elite , high-calibre long-term support teams if they are given the right leadership and training , an attractive physical environment to work from , good pay and conditions of service and , crucially , a set of realistic objectives about what they are trying to achieve .
10 There is a substantial dormant language potential in the UK which , if it achieved nothing else , this project has shown that it is possible to activate to a useful level .
11 Research has shown that it is often the case that a plaintiff 's solicitor either does not have the resources to undertake investigations or is loath to seek out all available reports .
12 That need not necessarily be horrifying : Europe has shown that it is possible to live with a nuclear stand-off .
13 This has shown that it is heat stable to at least 37°C .
14 Thus , in the southern United States after the Civil War , ‘ experience has shown that it is doubtful whether any profit can accrue to a cultivator whose annual crop is less than fifty bales …
15 The name reflects the fact that the animal 's horns and head resemble the Arabian oryx , but DNA analysis has shown that it is most closely related to the oxen family .
16 Experience in the bus industry has shown that it is in practice very difficult to persuade different operators to reach agreement on cross-validity of discount fares : ‘ only one in four bus operators now accept each others ’ tickets . ’
17 The agreement , moreover , had shown that it was possible to restrain and even reverse the arms race .
18 Techniques developed by botanists and historians have shown that it is possible to assess the age of a hedge by the number of shrub species it contains .
19 We have shown that it is rare for the sex fiend image to be constructed at the trial stage .
20 We hope that by employing non-discriminatory usage in this book we have shown that it is possible and easy to adopt another style .
21 There is still some way to go before we have an agreement on economic and monetary union , but the discussions so far have shown that it is possible to thrash out a sensible position in negotiations .
22 Although olsalazine was the most potent inhibitor , in vivo measurements have shown that it is almost completely metabolised in the colonic lumen .
23 In conclusion , we have shown that it is simple to simultaneously measure echographic gastric emptying and sensations of hunger and satiety .
24 Examination of long stretches of numerical data , together with other methods of analysis , have shown that it is indeed varying chaotically ; that is to say , no matter how long the fluctuations continue , one will never find repetition of the detailed pattern .
25 Our mathematicians have shown that it is theoretically possible , by doing the right highly complex calculations , to navigate safely through the world using these light rays , just as effectively as one can in the ordinary way using ultrasound — in some respects even more effectively !
26 The Brian Nelson affair and the other cases have shown that it is often more than a perception .
27 Various footprinting studies have shown that it is selective for the dinucleotide GpC [ 3-5 ] .
28 Although some NMR studies have shown that it is possible to bind two actinomycin molecules to the tetranucleotide GCGC [ 29 ] , binding of the second molecule is highly anticooperative and it is generally believed that the exclusion site size for actinomycin , under normal conditions , is at least 4 base pairs [ 1 ] .
29 There were , undoubtedly , people with AIDS before 1981 , but careful retrospective studies have shown that it was rare and affected few people compared to the numbers now involved .
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