Example sentences of "have gone [adv prt] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In our case this iteration has gone on at great lengths and I and my colleagues have had to struggle to ensure that we have allocated enough time to deciding the direction in which the company should be going , and the changes that have to be carried out in order to get it there .
2 In the face of this central problem , the valuable work that has gone on in recent years in narratology , and other aspects of fictional form , is curiously difficult to apply in practice .
3 CalMac 's managing director , Colin Paterson , points out that his is possibly the only nationalised industry whose grant has gone down in real terms .
4 Abraham has gone down in Christian tradition as one of the great men of faith .
5 Puccini : A celebration Andrew Parrott with his Taverner Consort , Choir and Players has gone back to medieval sources , and devised a sequence not just of carols in more robust settings than is common but of instrumental pieces like the March of the Kings .
6 In the past month , not a day has gone by without national newspapers devoting reams of print to the issue , asking in big headlines , as Le Point put it , ‘ Should we let Islam colonise our schools ? ’
7 HARDLY a week has gone by in recent months without some new development in home video .
8 That 's if we 'd gone in on fixed price on scaled fee
9 ‘ You will perceive by the accompanying prospectus that I have commenced another work of much greater magnitude [ than the Century ] ; for my own part I should have been more anxious to have gone on with unfigured foreign birds and by that means have added so much the more interest to the science of ornithology , but the greater number of the subscribers to my other work not paying attention to birds generally but limiting themselves to those of our own country , they have frequently reiterated their request that I should commence a similar work on the Birds of [ 'this country ’ crossed out ] Europe and this has been the only motive for my undertaking so laborious a task . ’
10 I 've gone on to decaffeinated coffee I do drink decaffeinated
11 Now they 've gone off to other groups handing out food , like Food for Work and the Mothers ' Clubs where they do weaving and knitting and things like that . ’
12 Secondly , the bird could copy what another more experienced bird had done ; the process of selecting the actions best adapted to the environment had gone on in previous generations and been transmitted socially .
13 It makes clear , firstly , that Eighth Army and AF HQ were brought fully into the picture as to the methods being used by 5 Corps to effect the repatriation of the anti-Tito Yugoslavs and , after all the discussions which had gone on in previous days , gave those methods their complete support .
14 After the tragedy a couple of men had gone up with concrete posts : he 'd watched them at it .
15 Pountaine had gone up to Imperial a Communist Party member , but Notting Hill and the underground proved a stronger pull .
16 Now that she was coasting again , everything had gone back to normal — what Uncle Albert called the ‘ natural ’ state to be in .
17 Erlich had gone down to New Scotland Yard fast enough to be more than 25 minutes early for his appointment .
18 And the number for March had gone down to single figures .
19 He had made her laugh several times , had laughed once at something she 'd said , she recalled , and the entire evening had gone by on winged feet .
20 And black dancers had gone in for contemporary or modern dance because they had felt ballet to be a white art form to be watched by white people . ’
21 This week the Solidarity trade union — the workers , that is , bereft of old leaders who have gone on to other things — led a two-hour nationwide protest strike .
22 A few pupils have gone on in recent years to study Classics at universities including Oxbridge .
23 I mean , that 's why a lot of people have gone over to recycled erm toilet rolls because fancy cutting down trees just for that !
24 Hugh Jones ' racing exploits have gone down in tropical history .
25 Clients who have gone in for Public Issues often rue the day they chose to sell through a licensed dealer .
26 And an MoD spokesman admitted yesterday that THOUSANDS of bookmarks with the topsy-turvy flag have gone out to other kids throughout Britain .
27 Studies ( 1 ) show that considerable areas are being abandoned and around 2.3 m ha in Italy and 1.5 m ha in France have gone out of agricultural production whereas in Great Britain the main loss of 36,000 ha per annum ( 2 ) is to afforestation ( 30,364 in Scotland ) .
28 This kind of information is difficult to acquire after things have gone out of general use and was often not recorded in the past because it was taken for granted .
29 At Chessington attendances pretty well stood still , again a very good performance in my view and er , justification for the capital spending that 's gone on in recent years to bring that er , to bring Chessington to where we want it to be .
30 " No , he 's gone back for sure , " said Hazel .
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