Example sentences of "have been spend on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In comparison only £150 million has been spent on renewables since the 1970s .
2 Around 20 per cent of Third World debt has been spent on arms .
3 A quarter of Egypt 's $40 billion debt has been spent on arms .
4 Elm Energy , which is operating the plant on a contract from the Non-Fossil Purchasing Agency , says the power station will be the cleanest in the country ; £48 million has been spent on equipment to ensure that emissions are well below maximum levels set by the World Health Organisation .
5 To ask the Secretary of State for Transport how much has been spent on motorway and major trunk road construction in each of the past three years at constant prices .
6 But again we also need to work out how much has been spent on claims and E W S on on work which is er higher than budgets but we can say okay , that 's not a direct result of deteriorating productivity , that 's a direct result of , of problems we 've got with temps and so on , that 's a problem we 've got with increased , increased work levels .
7 Instead , anything from £20 billion to £30 billion a year has been spent on benefit for the growing army of unemployed , surely the least satisfactory possible way of spending money which should have been invested .
8 Almost £1m has been spent on Donegal Town , where the Diamond has been transformed from a car park to a landscaped public area .
9 This year not one Lira of government funds has been spent on restoration
10 Nearly £15,000 has been spent on landscaping and surfacing the area by The Globe public house and down to Alresford Pond .
11 ‘ It is as much as the Soviet Union has been spending on vodka , as much as US companies have been spending on advertising cigarettes , or 10 per cent of the EC 's annual subsidy to its farmers . ’
12 It is as much as the Soviet Union has been spending on vodka each month .
13 There must have been a suspicion that under the control of these Authorities only left-wing teachers need apply for jobs , and that money that might have been spent on education was being spent elsewhere ; for example , on supporting lesbian or ‘ gay ’ groups .
14 It is important to note that if the pledge that the Labour party made at the last election had been carried through , dramatically less money would have been spent on health , for the reasons that my hon. Friend gave .
15 Reporting for the recreation grounds committee , Barbara Griffiths said that £25,688 had been spent on recreation in Alresford in the past year .
16 In all , nearly 31 million pounds had been spent on war and defence from 1540 until 1552 .
17 It adds that " about 10 per cent of total bank staff time " had been spent on forestry or environment work during the year .
18 Initially , in her sworn depositions , Hildenbrand apparently said that the delay in payment to the gallery was due to an unnamed Japanese intermediary ; Feigen states that she then ‘ admitted in sworn testimony that she had perjured herself , which is a felony , and that the entity owned by Lanzone and herself had in fact received the money $600,000 of it seven months earlier , and then $200,000 and that the money had been spent on Lanzone 's home mortgage and restaurant expenses ’ .
19 ‘ It is as much as the Soviet Union has been spending on vodka , as much as US companies have been spending on advertising cigarettes , or 10 per cent of the EC 's annual subsidy to its farmers . ’
20 Around 20 per cent of loans to Third World countries have been spent on arms : the weapons go to poor countries , the money back to rich ones3 .
21 Huge sums have been spent on minute analysis of opposition products — analysis the fishkeeper ca n't possibly hope to match himself , or in many cases even understand .
22 Millions of pounds have been spent on research into deodorants and anti-perspirants to combat these malodorous extremes .
23 Millions of pounds have been spent on research and developing , flexible working practice have been introduced .
24 Some may find it surprising nevertheless that in a time of cut-backs in state spending , thousands of millions of pounds have been spent on youth training since 1981 .
25 This is expected to show that appropriate parts of the monies passed to the schools from local authorities have been spent on books .
26 For example they support the market square project and at the end of the day even with the total budget down to S S A the vast bulk of the money being spent by conservative budget 's been spent on people salaries but it 's still being spent on services and the labour party this year has lost the three elements keeping the tax down and that 's quite a good thing to see .
27 One of the priorities is a million pounds that 's been spent on community consultation structure and about a quarter of a million on a marketing and public relations unit .
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