Example sentences of "have a [adj] [noun] problem " in BNC.

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1 In addition , some parents may find that it is easier to cope with a child who has a serious language problem if they are able to participate in the process of assessment and intervention .
2 The Land Rover also has a hot starting problem .
3 Jim 's father has a chronic drink problem and he eventually put the family out of their house .
4 Detroit is shabby , poverty-ridden and struggling to keep its head above water It has a huge crime problem .
5 It is n't , it 's Nigel and Nigel has a bad brake problem .
6 You can tell if the property has a leaky tap problem because there will usually be tell-tale stains on the washbasins .
7 Well yes , training , I mean it 's more of a jog , I 've had a little injury problem with a knee , but er like I say er , it really is a challenge and I 'm not going to let anything get in my way .
8 There 's a very good example of that some years ago er in one of these groups I had erm a student had a severe stutter problem and he said that he had hypnosis and for two years he was fine , he had no stutter and suddenly one day under stress it came back an and ever since erm then he was having some other kind of treatment I think , but er but that 's typical .
9 Actually , Gillian does have a serious Rottweiler problem — she ca n't get enough bed space .
10 ‘ If this property boom suddenly collapses , or if the government decides to jack up the bank rate to curb consumer spending , then you might find your loans withdrawn , in which case you 'd have a serious cash-flow problem on your hands . ’
11 In April 1989 a United States drug enforcement agent gave his personal guarantee that in two years time the United Kingdom would have a serious crack problem .
12 The education convener , Mervyn Rolfe , said that although Tayside did not appear to have a greater bullying problem than elsewhere , anything which impeded a pupil should be tackled swiftly and methodically .
13 ‘ We are therefore going to have a large recovery problem which is going to be an expensive business , ’ Mr Thomas said .
14 Such clients usually had a multiple debt problem , owing money on their mortgage , personal loans and their car .
15 he had , he had a definite attitude problem so they said they would relieve him of his contract oh that 's fair enough , they 're paying you good money and they expect you to work hard and that 's it but we finish at one o'clock next term
16 Had a blinking headlight problem on the van .
17 Wendy and Dev presently parted ; Wendy , who by then had a real drink problem , was hired to do a milk delivery round which took her to her own doorstep , and daily contact with Apricot , until Ken put a stop to it .
18 Despite this assistance , and a temporary improvement in coffee prices , by 1989 the economy had not revived significantly and the country still had a substantial debt problem .
19 Are n't you forgetting that we also had a serious communication problem ?
20 Erm and er , but he also had a major drinking problem .
21 I do n't know what I did to disturb things , but it was soon obvious I had a blue-green algae problem .
22 This diet was developed by Trish Hayton , 49 , who had a longstanding weight problem .
23 This information was used to decide whether children had a severe waking problem initially .
24 We have experienced quite considerable out migration er in the period since , and we do build in perhaps slightly optimistic erm migration net migration figures compared to the er O P C S er and and D O E figures but they are nevertheless accepted as part of this forecast the regional guidance , on the basis that we have a major regeneration problem in the area , to reiterate what I said this morning .
25 The honeypot ants of central Australia have a similar storage problem .
26 We already have a global population problem : do we really want to exacerbate it ?
27 They have a long-term credibility problem — the issue wo n't go away . ’
28 ‘ You have a real drink problem there , ’ said Rhoda .
29 The number of books , theses and bound copies of periodicals is increasing so greatly that many libraries have a serious storage problem .
30 If so , chances are you have a serious drinking problem , or may have one in the future .
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