Example sentences of "have long [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But direct observation does give you the colours and you do become more accurate , even though sunlight and shadows move so fast during the time it takes to paint such a scene that the particular arrangement that caught your eye in the first place has long since gone by the time the picture is finished !
2 THE irritating Buzby has long since flown from BT 's nest .
3 This gripping drama owes much to the shades of menace hinted at in Caffrey 's Man , and the semi-hysterical flutterings of O'Mahoney 's King , who has long since toppled from his throne .
4 One only has to note the impressive erudition manipulated by the likes of Borges , Cortázar , Carpentier or Fuentes or the intertextual references that abound in the new narrative to realize that the Spanish-American writer has long since ceased to be a provincial and is now very much a citizen of the world .
5 In The Act of Reading , Wolfgang Iser argues that the literary work should be understood as a means of communication rather than as a representation of the world : ‘ It is a vital feature of literary texts that they do not lose their ability to communicate ; indeed , many of them can still speak even when their message has long since passed into history and their meaning no longer seems to be of importance ’ ( 1978:13 ) .
6 This function has long since passed to the Cabinet .
7 This sociologically naive view has long since had to be abandoned .
8 In conclusion I wish to emphasise that if this appeal is allowed the House will not thereby have chosen to re-establish in relation to a limited class of offence an inquisitorial method of ascertaining the truth in criminal cases which English law has long since repudiated in favour of an adversarial process .
9 The view that texts simply impose their meaning on readers has long since crumbled in the face of the evidence , as audience studies have pretty conclusively shown .
10 That fine piece of legislation would have long since passed into law and we would have had lots of time to spend on Opposition days , motions of censure and other matters on which we could spend our time much more effectively .
11 From her bedroom window she could see the mountain rising up in a steep and slippery slope above a deep quarry , which had once been worked for limestone but had long since fallen into disuse .
12 When the history of the church was being researched a footnote in an 18th century volume identified a drawing of some stained-glass panels which had long since fallen into disrepair and had been replaced by plain lights .
13 After the plans had been shelved , the whole place had been leased out to various small-time manufacturers and warehousemen ; the broken-down sheds and godowns must still be the property of somebody , so too must be the piles of crates whose stencilled lettering had long since faded to pallor .
14 His wife and daughters had long since gone to bed .
15 The Airds had long since gone to bed .
16 No. 9 had long since gone to bed , so I crept up the stairs as quietly as I could .
17 Her husband 's smile , which she had long since discovered to be a deceitful thing , wavered on his lips like a breeze over a cornfield , and he was slow to answer .
18 Tuathal , who knew that thoroughness was the secret of success , had long since extracted from Thorkel Fóstri all that he could tell about Earl Siward of Northumbria , and had deduced a good deal more .
19 In a corner of the floor stood a saucer of milk which had long since turned to an unsavoury junket embellished with blue mould .
20 The Williams family have been here since 1797 , when Robert Williams bought the manor of Littlebredy , which had long since degenerated into a farmhouse .
21 He had long since retired from competitive football and like his tragic contemporary , the boxer Benny Lynch , Gallacher only had memories to live on .
22 The whole episode was clearly a great embarrassment to my father , and by the time of that conversation in Lord Darlington 's study , he had long since returned to busying himself as much as ever .
23 The obelisk was nearly completed , and a place had been prepared for it near the south pylon of the Temple of Ptah ; the barge which had brought it had long since returned to the quarries upriver .
24 However , by the time the war ended BMK had long since finished with blankets ( after they had produced 2.5 million ) and had turned to engineering .
25 Now this yarn had long since passed into history of ancient Highland folklore , and the WAAFs and airmen could have lived happily ever after .
26 Many of the nationalists had long since passed beyond the kin-village axis .
27 A look of hopeless desolation , of almost animal acceptance was in their faces ; they had long since passed beyond defiance and hope ; their life was bounded by the ceaseless rotating of the treadmills which served the Robemaker 's Looms .
28 The manor house in Hampshire had long since passed from the family , the fortune was diminished ; but Sir Hugo 's long and melancholy face framed by a collar of exquisite lace still stared with arrogant condescension at the passing crowd , the definitive seventeenth-century Royalist gentleman .
29 His former general , Lord George Murray , after a final reproachful letter to the Prince , had long since fled to Holland to end his days in exile , and most of Charles 's other leading supporters had by now either escaped abroad or been rounded up .
30 A hushed , sleeping stillness had long since settled like a heavy blanket over the place , but Lissa stirred quietly in the depths of the armchair .
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