Example sentences of "have actually be [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He has actually been to the actual America — and come back .
2 Jesus has been through the agony in the garden he 's been arrested he 's been abandoned by his apostles he 's been through a trial and he has actually been through the crucifixion and he 's been buried in the tomb .
3 But do we believe modern scientists , none of whom has actually been inside a whale 's belly ?
4 He 'd actually been on the receiving end of recalling them .
5 In his welcoming address , the Dean of Truro wittily reiterated the close affinity between the clergy and steam engines — much closer and 3440 would have actually been inside the cathedral !
6 Yet later that evening , when they had both returned home and he had enquired about her meeting with Alison and whether she had bought a pram , she had hesitated before admitting she had actually been to a cinema .
7 Very few writers had actually been to the world outside Europe .
8 Doctor Braby , hard-worked GP and police surgeon to the district , had done more than confirm the fact of death on this occasion , he had called immediate attention to certain peculiarities about the body , and boldly essayed a guess at the length of time it had actually been in the water .
9 Oh , God , his girlfriend had actually been in the house while he was making love to her .
10 I have actually been in a
11 I mean we 've er the working party 's actually been around the country looking at various other swimming pools in the areas and er just to get an idea on what we thought Didcot would really like .
12 Anybody who 's actually been in a war is very reluctant to see other people stumbling into an unnecessary one .
13 Well I 'll let my son answer that , he 's actually been in the plant a couple of times and What 's your impression of the place ?
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