Example sentences of "have meet [prep] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In Poland , the Decalogue has met with impressive results .
2 In Scotland , concern has been expressed over the implications of studio closures and job losses , but it has met with soothing words from the BBC 's executives and from its political masters in government .
3 The imprisoned Mr Mandela has met in recent months more than a dozen of the chieftains and assorted dignitaries — his Xhosa wife , Winnie , among them - who were on the podium .
4 So far the MAIB has met behind closed doors .
5 The Ashleys fully appreciated how much they owed to Sybille and treated her with great respect and kindness ; faux pas , which from other members of staff would have met with icy reproofs , went scarcely noticed .
6 Attempts in January 1991 to rush through the privatization of the banking sector had met with legal objections [ see pp. 38007 ] , but two public-sector banks had been privatized , in January and August .
7 The turnpike from Salisbury towards Romsey was the best and earned high praise for the trustees , whose management he judged responsible , for he had met with other roads whose materials were as fine but " never with any that were so firmly united , and kept so totally free from loose stones , ruts and water " .
8 However , a few had met with negative attitudes in the process .
9 Initially his management of this crisis had met with high levels of popular approval , but as the conflict dragged on it became a damaging symbol of American weakness and presidential ineptitude with polls clearly revealing the public 's dissatisfaction with Carter 's performance .
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