Example sentences of "have to be approved by " in BNC.

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1 The selection still has to be approved by the next full meeting of the constituency association but the chairwomen , Ms Anne Peck , said last night that this appeared to be a formality .
2 Any proposal will be in trouble if it has to be approved by the upper house of parliament as well as the lower house .
3 The decision at Church House has to be approved by Parliament and there is a further 12-month wait .
4 The agency 's plan has to be approved by a majority of the electorate .
5 A further $21.8 million a year may be raised through a special local tax , although this has to be approved by voters .
6 If the plaintiff is under a disability settlement of the action has to be approved by the court under RSC Ord 80 , r13 or CCR Ord 10 , r10 ; so too if the claim is under the Fatal Accidents Act 1976 as amended and more than one person is entitled to the damages even though no one is under a disability .
7 ( 2 ) The scheme has to be approved by the members ( or the class of members ) in question by a majority in number representing 75 per cent in value of those present and voting in person or by proxy .
8 They will have to be approved by the Lord Chancellor and be subject to the ‘ concurrence ’ of four senior Supreme Court judges , of whom Lord Donaldson will be one .
9 After much laborious correspondence we received from China the following : ‘ We believe that no one outside of this country will have access to the mule and her foal in Honan Province because such matters will have to be approved by the authorities here .
10 Now the corporate plan of every museum may have to be approved by the Department of National Heritage before they receive their grant in aid .
11 Such reform would have to be approved by the Djiboutian people in a referendum to be held once the " armed bands operating in the north " had been " chased off national territory " .
12 He said that the establishment of a transitional government and any constitutional changes proposed by CODESA would have to be approved by referendum .
13 Nabiyev noted on April 12 that their demands were inconsistent , as any new constitution would have to be approved by the Supreme Soviet .
14 He said the proposals would have to be approved by the engineering department .
15 All details of the ballet had to be approved by the Club as he went along .
16 All legislation had to be approved by the Legislative Council , but the Governor could control this body by ordering the official majority to vote in a certain way .
17 The two Bills in question were not in the manner and form required as under earlier State legislation any constitutional change had to be approved by a referendum .
18 As detailed on May 2 , the measures gave the government the technical right to dismiss strikers in these sectors and laid down that strikes in non-essential services had to be approved by an assembly of at least one-third of union members concerned , while in essential services strikes had to be announced 48 hours in advance and a minimum level of service ensured .
19 On Sept. 28 the Volkskammer elected Joachim Gauck ( Alliance " 90/Greens ) as the special commissioner for handling Stasi files ; his appointment had to be approved by the West German government .
20 However , Ada had made it clear at the first round of talks that the commission had no power to negotiate changes , which had to be approved by referendum .
21 This meant that the book not only had to pass general political censorship , commonly known as glavlit , the main obstacle for works of fiction ; it also had to be approved by the relevant government institutions , the Ministry of Atomic Energy , whose senior officials were named by Medvedev as being responsible for the accident .
22 He said that the proposals had to be approved by him and Ian Lang , Secretary of State for Scotland .
23 She could n't understand why I needed to lodge in London at all , but insisted that any accommodation I settled on had to be approved by the university authorities .
24 The military place strict limits on the size and location of election rallies , and campaign speeches had to be approved by government centres .
25 ‘ This says something for the era in which projects have to be approved by television , ’ he told me .
26 Structure plans have to be approved by the Secretary of State and except for small amendments , he generally accepts them after he has received a report by a panel who hold ‘ an Examination in Public ’ .
27 This service may simply be as a source of information or the ergonomist can have more power in that the design decisions involving people have to be approved by him .
28 Before they can be transmitted , all TV commercials have to be approved by the Independent Television Association , ITVA .
29 Proposals for charity games have to be approved by the committee , but the suggested donation of £6,000 is negotiable and all money raised helps young people , especially handicapped youngsters , get involved in sport .
30 For those who might argue that this information comes from ‘ the industry ’ it should be pointed out that such data have to be approved by government before it is issued .
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