Example sentences of "have be returned [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A copy of the maternity certificate where the original has been returned to the employee , for example , where your liability for SMP has ended .
2 It is clear from these data that the capacity to form and present this influenza epitope has been returned to the T2/TAP1+2 transfectant , although it is possible that this capacity is suboptimal .
3 The Thannhauser Collection , to which this picture belongs , has been returned to the wing where it was formerly installed with the addition of ten works , including five canvases by Picasso and a painting by Monet , not previously represented in the museum .
4 About 400 kg of lunar material has been returned to the Earth from nine different sites on the Moon .
5 Whenever a claim is presented for damage to the craft occasioned abroad , and the craft has been returned to the U.K. for repair , it must be carefully checked that this period has not been exceeded — and especially that the craft is not being left at a holiday destination for a prolonged period .
6 It is much more straightforward to have warrants set aside and negotiations entered into in the County Court whereas Magistrates Courts are usually unwilling to reconsider until a warrant has been returned to the court .
7 A fox cub who was reared with a litter of puppies and grew up believing that he was a dog , has been returned to the wild .
8 A verdict of accidental death has been returned on a pilot who crashed a world war two Spitfire at an air display .
9 In practice , most seats are considered to be safe seats for one or other of the two main parties — that is , the winning candidate has been returned with a majority that represents 10% or more of the votes cast .
10 When my hon. Friend has been returned with an increased majority in his marginal seat , he will no doubt wish to make representations to me as I carry on with my present job .
11 He has written a letter to his director of pollution control , suggesting two or three p.p.m. which has been returned with the annotation ‘ proceed as indicated ’ .
12 In most cases CAA mail has been returned by the Post Office as ‘ gone away ’ , and further enquiries have been unable to establish the correct address .
13 It should have been returned to the author for him to re-write in a clear and concise manner .
14 Before the start of harvest , the ewes had been returned to the high moorland pastures to fatten up and build up their strength before coming down for tupping .
15 Strait-jacketed to restrain his flailing and deadly limbs , Bissell had been returned to the Institute for examination and analysis .
16 The receiver , KPMG Peat Marwick , is still scrutinising the company accounts and said the Ti'ko premises had been returned to the lease holder .
17 On the other hand , the outgoing men had been returned in the previous election by large majorities and established MPs are difficult to oust .
18 The artefacts have been returned to the Slovak capital and will eventually be shared with Prestnov .
19 And see s.24(3) : [ n ] o goods shall be regarded as having continued to be stolen after they have been returned to the person from whom they were stolen or to other lawful possession or custody or after that person and any other person claiming through him have otherwise ceased as regards these goods to have any right to restitution in respect of the theft .
20 So far about 25% of those ticket stubs have been returned with the appropriate £2 .
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