Example sentences of "have be born in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 TOTALLY UNKNOWN US bluesman comes to Britain and gets schlepped into a studio to record with a bunch of locals who wish they 'd been born in America 's Deep South .
2 It was n't her real name and — like Horowitz — she 'd been born in Hungary .
3 She may have been born in Newnham , though much of her life seems to have been spent in or near St Stephen 's parish , near Canterbury .
4 He sounds like the last playboy of the western world , who might have been born in London or New York but fell overboard from a boat between the two .
5 , Stephen ( d. 1780 ) , architect , may have been born in Oxburgh , Norfolk , to the poor of which village he left £20 in his will , and he appears to have begun his professional life as a clerk or assistant to William Kent [ q.v . ] .
6 You 'd have been born in Ireland if things , history and all had been different . ’
7 Robert III may have been born in Dundonald Castle and it is certain that he spent much of his life there before he became king .
8 Phil Martin , a labour economist and member of the bipartisan commission , estimates that 90% of the new entrants into the American agricultural market will have been born in Mexico .
9 Having been born in Birmingham , where her parents , Portuguese Jews , ran the Alexander Theatre , she freely slated the provinces .
10 , Walter ( fl. 1476–1499 ) , church musician and composer , Nothing is known for certain of his family , birth , and education ; there is no compelling reason to concur with speculation that the composer may be identifiable with the boy of this name who , having been born in Salisbury around 15 August 1451 or 1452 , was elected a King 's scholar of Eton College on 8 July 1467 .
11 Henry Smith was in fact Irish , having been born in Dublin on 2 November , 1826 , but within two years his father died and the family moved to England .
12 He most certainly had few fond memories of the latter employment , but it was the former which caused him to curse his luck at having been born in Derby .
13 There was nothing illegal in this and , indeed , if Joyce 's story of having been born in County Galway were accepted , he would merely be the returning exile .
14 To increase the ethnic homogeneity within the regions , families of patients and controls had to have been resident in the region for at least two generations and all their grandparents had to have been born in Europe ; all participants were caucasians .
15 On 24 February 1827 he married Hannah Keetch , said to have been born in Newfoundland .
16 According to an oral tradition first set down thirty years after her death by Samuel Peckover , a prominent local Quaker , she was said to have been born in Paris , the daughter of James , Duke of York , then in exile , and an unnamed maid of honour to Queen Henrietta Maria , and to have lived at the English court from the Restoration to 1688 without , apparently , any contemporary ever noticing her .
17 It 's a red panda cub , one of only a handful to have been born in captivity .
18 Keepers there gave them a bijou penthouse , an extensive garden and pretty soon they 'd sealed their union with a cub : one of very few ever to have been born in captivity .
19 He had been born in America of American parents .
20 Fields had been born in America and had moved to Britain as a child .
21 Over the Irish Sea , an Irish Republican who had been born in New York , U.S.A. — and therefore , legally an American citizen — Eamon De Valera , became President of the Irish Free State .
22 Glancing up at her uneasily and then back to the document in front of him he read that Nora Elizabeth Fanshawe , by profession a teacher , had been born in London in 1945 , had black hair , brown eyes and was five feet nine inches tall with no distinguishing marks .
23 So did that of Emanuel Shinwell , the son of a Jewish tailor of Polish origin , who had been born in London 's East End , but whose family later settled in Glasgow .
24 The census returns show that the majority of Camberwell 's population at any one time had been born in London — 65 per cent in 1861 ; 76 per cent in 1911 — but many families had moved frequently from district to district and from street to street .
25 She had been born in Edinburgh but only mad chance because I think that the family were only there a short time .
26 If he had been born in England he would have been put in care by now .
27 He had been born in England , had never seen India , spoke English as his cradle tongue and had forgotten all the Hindi he had ever learned but he had all the immigrant 's protective reactions and all his self-consciousness .
28 This argument seems , however , to have been soon dropped , and in the 1484 act survives only in the oblique remark that Richard , unlike his brothers , had been born in England .
29 This argument seems , however , to have been soon dropped , and in the 1484 act survives only in the oblique remark that Richard , unlike his brothers , had been born in England .
30 Thomas Newcomen had been born in Dartmouth in 1663 .
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