Example sentences of "have [vb pp] off a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Lazio midfielder Diego Fuser will make his international debut while gifted Juventus striker Roberto Baggio has shaken off a thigh strain to play up front .
2 May be of use if a small chip has come off a bone .
3 DSC Communications Corp , Dallas has seen off a shareholder suit brought against the company and some of its officers in 1991 over the problems some of the Baby Bells had with the software for the MegaHub Signal Transfer Point : the suit has been dismissed without prejudice and the motion to certify class action status for it has been declared moot .
4 The Foundation has called off a meeting with local people scheduled for tonight .
5 Unix International has kicked off a workgroup to define a future System V release with greater up-time .
6 Pencom Software Inc has kicked off a programme to rapidly prototype device drivers for NextStep 486 to help hardware and peripherals vendors get up and running for NextWorld next month .
7 Austin , Texas-based Pencom Software Inc has kicked off a programme to offer prototype device drivers for NextStep 486 expeditiously , to help hardware and peripherals vendors to be set for NextWorld next month .
8 In more recent years , Whessoe has laid off a number of men , and moved into more specialist fields , but it is still one of only a few companies listed on the Stock Exchange to have its headquarters in the North-East .
9 It might turn out that Occam 's Razor has cut off a part or two that will be missed later on …
10 THE BELGIAN government has put off a decision on whether to stump up cash for the nuclear plant being built by France at Chooz — a finger of France sucking into Belgian territory .
11 The administration 's minority party has put off a decision whether to withdraw support for Prime Minister Albert Reynolds .
12 We saw earlier that the move to greater inequality in income had been so marked that it has triggered off a widening of other class differences ( detailed in Part I ) .
13 Mrs Froggatt organised bring and buy sales to raise cash for the organisation , but after she 'd sent off a check for more than three hundred pounds she heard nothing more .
14 I guess they may have fallen off a lorry ?
15 Well , this old bell must have fallen off a ship , or perhaps it got washed out here in a flood .
16 Er , that could have fallen off a car cos it was a big piece and there was n't anywhe anywhere else .
17 The village of St Anton could have fallen off a picture post card : it 's that pretty !
18 He 'd watch them quietly ; and he often told me how he had a good idea where they 'd been taking their honey : if they came to their hives low , they 'd most likely have come off a field of clover .
19 His car was an extraordinary contraption , an ancient Ford truck from which some amateur carpenter ( or maybe the ship 's chandler ? ) had stripped off a ten-hundredweight body , and on the chassis had erected a kind of ambulance — with a stretcher bed in it and one chair firmly screwed to the floorboards .
20 It was probably just a big old rock , which had broken off a moon or a planet .
21 She had posted off a length of pale blue silk for Jennifer 's dress , and another of velvet in the same shade for Christopher 's page-boy suit .
22 Lori seemed to shudder right through to her very bones ; then it was as if she had shaken off a darkness that had possessed her for too long .
23 Marlies thought I had fallen off a ladder fixing a letter G from the conference slogan of that year , ‘ Britain Winning Through ’ .
24 Patrick had fallen off a ladder over a year and a half ago and had been off work for much of that time .
25 She lived alone and had fallen off a ladder in her sitting-room .
26 When Uncle Vernon was a boy a Catholic had let off a firework in the path of the brewery dray-horse and it had lumbered sideways , the streamers of orange paper fluttering from its bridle rein and drifting to the kerb .
27 I opened the lockers to pull out the kit but found that the top had come off a water container and half a gallon had spilt , soaking the tea bags and bursting the envelope which carried my documents .
28 Clay County had rattled off a sequence of five straight wins last winter , two of them at Kelso , before being well beaten by Deep Sensation at Nottingham in February .
29 He looked from the overcoat to the grimy , torn green flannels and the scuffed brown shoes laced with uneven lengths of string , then felt in his pocket for the cigarettes he had bummed off a group of Swedish students in Bonn a few days earlier .
30 An eventful race for Derek Warwick brought the British driver ninth place but only after he had wiped off a nose cone on his Arrows when he tangled with Nelson Piquet 's Lotus .
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