Example sentences of "have [adv] [been] regarded as " in BNC.

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1 Simon Robson has long been regarded as first eleven material , while Stedman has bowled with some success in his slower mode .
2 The University of San Carlos has long been regarded as a hotbed of opposition , and the list of those imprisoned , tortured and murdered is long , even since 1986 .
3 When FDA clearance comes through the final product in a portfolio of basic food ingredients will be in place — promising the transformation of what has long been regarded as one of Britain 's most boring businesses into a world beater .
4 In a country where , as a popular song puts it , ‘ every son is born a soldier ’ and turns out each year for a spell of military service until he is well into middle age , the army has long been regarded as an essential part of the country 's armed neutrality .
5 SERBIA 'S president , Slobodan Milosevic , has long been regarded as the artful dodger of Balkan politics .
6 The British countryside has long been regarded as a source of out-migration and a pool of reserve labour for urban areas .
7 In Britain , with its strong two-party system , a government defeat on a vote of confidence has long been regarded as a theoretical possibility rather than practical politics .
8 Second , income tax has long been regarded as a tax of central importance in government management of the economy ; it is a major financial and psychological weapon in securing the success of the Cabinet 's economic strategy .
9 Herodotus has long been regarded as a mythographer as much as a historian , for he records not just the bare facts , but the multiple versions of events he has gathered from a variety of sources .
10 A British international cap has long been regarded as the ultimate achievement for the amateur golfer .
11 The residents of Unity Flats are shrugging off the stigma of living in what has long been regarded as one of the city 's most undesirable areas .
12 The continuous return to the same subject to wring out every ounce of meaning from it , has long been regarded as the hallmark of the true professional .
13 Given the apparent sexist bias of much humanities and social science teaching , it seems odd that it is in these subjects that women are numerous ; it is the absence of women in physical science and engineering that has generally been regarded as a ‘ problem ’ .
14 Once convinced , however , that no major philosophical change was involved , but merely the identification by reference to more sophisticated criteria of what has always been regarded as death , medical lawyers have increasingly come to accept brain-stem death as the legal description also .
15 IT HAS always been regarded as a guilty but harmless secret shared by thousands of women .
16 Throughout the Far East , the tiger has always been regarded as an animal of magical properties .
17 For example , the distribution of the labour force between agriculture and industry has always been regarded as an important indicator of economic growth , if not precisely development , because most of the present advanced industrial societies , in particular the United Kingdom and the United States , exhibited a marked tendency to reduce their agricultural labour force while increasing their industrial labour force .
18 In fact , he has usually been regarded as the supreme Minimalist painter , but perceptions have been changing through a closer study of his earlier work which reveals him as an artist whose origins lie in painterly Abstraction .
19 The view has been accepted that the state which has traditionally been regarded as death in a human being is reached when the brain , including the brain-stem , is destroyed .
20 Assessment has traditionally been regarded as the responsibility of psychiatrists , but in recent years the role of non-medically qualified personnel has been examined .
21 On the one hand the UK business entering EC markets is acting as a poacher in what has traditionally been regarded as territory belonging to other EC businesses .
22 This has traditionally been regarded as the province of the management accountant , responsible for collecting data on cost and revenue forecasts and assessing the likely net pay-offs before submitting qualifying proposals to the appropriate decision-making body .
23 Coeliac disease has traditionally been regarded as a disorder of childhood and early adult life .
24 The left , consistent with its primary language capacity , is sequential and analytic in its style and has often been regarded as the rational half , responsible for the organisation and expression of conscious thought .
25 TRENT REZNOR ( for he , and not a proper band as such , constitutes Nine Inch Nails ) has often been regarded as the poor , weedy , commercial relation of Al Jourgenson and Jim ‘ Foetus ’ Thirlwell when it comes to unlistenable industrial hardcore .
26 Though the Constitution on Revelation at Vatican II has often been regarded as the major landmark in Catholic biblical studies , the real turning point had occurred with Divino Afflante Spiritu two decades earlier .
27 It is smaller and cooler than the Sun , but is not too unlike it , and has often been regarded as a possible planetary centre .
28 The pride in the job which has often been regarded as the hallmark of the rural worker was therefore not always derived from sheer altruism .
29 In science , for example , the earth science component ( attainment targets 9 and 16 , with aspects of attainment targets 5 , 6 , 7 and 8 ) includes much that has in the past been described as geography , while the materials component ( ATs 6–8 ) includes a great deal that has conventionally been regarded as technology .
30 Marxism has sometimes been regarded as a positivist approach since it can be argued that it sees human behaviour as a reaction to the stimulus of the economic infrastructure .
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