Example sentences of "have [adv] [vb pp] anything about " in BNC.

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1 He 'd never said anything about it before .
2 I tried to remember if Mr Marr had ever said anything about how Argol looked .
3 Mum : ‘ It 's the first time I 've really understood anything about science and technology — the first time I 've really wanted to ! ’
4 I mean , the difference is , I 've never heard anything about Donna , do you know what I mean ?
5 Look at how many times Kraftwerk have been sampled and they 've never done anything about it .
6 Well it was something that you hear a lot about it and er I 've never done anything about it and it 's cos I 'm starting to think towards the future and it 's gon na be nice to know that I 'm gon na have a pound or two to go and do what I want when I retire .
7 Yes we 've never done anything about inviting
8 You 've never said anything about her .
9 Mrs Bennett would have a fit if she knew Celia had gone up to Beckwith 's Folly , but it was n't the first time lately that she had been overwhelmed by the desire to escape , although it was the first time she had actually done anything about it .
10 She had never convinced herself of the reality of her pregnancy , she had never done anything about it .
11 She had never been to Ireland and said that she had never read anything about that country , and yet she was able to supply an abundance of detail about the way of life in that place at an earlier time .
12 She had never known anything about that occasion ; her mother had never mentioned it — and had certainly not seemed to suffer any ill-effects herself .
13 Or would she pretend she had never known anything about the letters ?
14 Lovat had never mentioned anything about bodyguards , he just said , ‘ Get out in front there , Piper , and keep playing your pipes . ’
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