Example sentences of "have [been] held to be " in BNC.

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1 Even within the United Kingdom , an Act of Parliament ( the Northern Ireland Parliament , set up under the Government of Ireland Act 1920 which withheld certain powers from it ) has been held to be limited in respect of the range of authority which it conferred ( Belfast Corporation v O.D. Cars Ltd [ 1960 ] AC 490 ) .
2 In a number of decided cases a landlord has been held to be acting reasonably in refusing consent in these circumstances :
3 Pedalling an auto-assisted bicycle without starting the engine has been held to be driving away .
4 In such a case a complete reconsideration of the case , including the taking of evidence and the finding of facts , would be a waste of time and money ; so the court can remit the case and direct the authority to reconsider the facts in the light of the law as it has been held to be .
5 Many countries , mainly those in the civil law tradition , have made this declaration , including Belgium , Czechoslovakia , Egypt , France , Germany , Luxembourg , Norway , Portugal , Seychelles and Turkey ( but not Italy ) ; accordingly an attempt to serve process via a United States Vice-Consul in the German Federal Republic has been held to be ineffective and the Netherlands Ministry of External Affairs was held to have acted properly when it refused to accept a document intended for service via the diplomatic channel on a defendant in France .
6 For that God has been conceived as male , and that biblical teaching which arose out of a patriarchal society has been held to be the revelation of God , must surely be seen to be the underlying facts of western culture which have led to discrimination against women .
7 For instance , Heisenberg 's indeterminacy principle has been held to be a reason to reject the Law of Excluded Middle .
8 Mr. Roth contended that it is inconceivable that a party who has been held to be merely negligent should be required to contribute to the damages payable by a party who has been found guilty of fraud .
9 As for animals belonging to a dangerous species , a camel has been held to be such because it may cause severe injury by kicking and biting , but strict liability was imposed for injuries suffered by falling off the camel because of its irregular gait .
10 Thus , natural justice has been held to be applicable to cases of disciplinary action within a university and to expulsion for failure in examinations , although in the latter case the examiners had based their decision on the personal attributes of the candidate as well as exam marks .
11 The effect of this has been held to be that , even if the company omits to put them on the register they become members and holders of the number of shares stated .
12 Accordingly , it has been held to be unfair to dismiss a man convicted of one isolated act of incest for which he received a probationary sentence .
13 In civil proceedings similar fact evidence has been held to be admissible where logically relevant provided that this will not be oppressive or unfair to the party concerned ( Mood Music Publishing v De Wolfe Ltd [ 1976 ] 1 Ch 119 ) .
14 ( b ) Public interest privilege Certain information has been held to be privileged because there is a public interest in maintaining its confidentiality .
15 Today people conceive as ‘ real ’ that which , within a dominantly Platonist framework of thought , would have been held to be a particular instance of what could be said most truly to exist .
16 These might have been held to be missing links in a chain of which the links were very small in some places , and large ( so far ) in others ; but this idea conflicted with the notion that God would have created the best of all possible worlds , which should therefore not change over time since all change must be for the worse .
17 Jones & Smith may be inconsistent with Collins , where the accused could have been held to be a trespasser because he exceeded his permission to enter .
18 If a duty had been held to be owed to Dick then the occupier had cause to appreciate the presence of the child and the premises would have to be reasonably safe for a child trespasser and an obstacle to entry erected .
19 These lines , said Tolkien , ‘ have been held to be the finest expression of the northern heroic spirit , Norse or English ; the clearest statement of the doctrine of uttermost endurance in the service of indomitable will ’ .
20 Examples which have been held to be ‘ driving ’ which do not readily fall within the above definition include :
21 The following have been held to be contempts of Parliament : 1 .
22 Newspaper articles criticising M.P.s have been held to be a contempt .
23 Some have been held to be sources of knowledge .
24 It is not , however , necessary that the defendant should assert rights of ownership over the goods : taking for the purposes of acquiring a lien or of temporary use have been held to be conversion .
25 Even the shape and colour of an article have been held to be acceptable as trade marks .
26 Both assault and battery have been held to be statutory offences : DPP v Little ( 1991 ) 141 NLJ 965 ( DC ) .
27 No useful purpose would be served by attempting to set out here an exhaustive list of items that have been held to be an admissible claim for damages .
28 In solus agreements efficiency of distribution , and in cases concerning sporting organisations the proper promotion of the sport , have been held to be interests meriting protection .
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