Example sentences of "have [been] [art] [adv] successful " in BNC.

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1 The standard hypertonic UK-ORS has already been replaced by the hypotonic monomer solution HYPO-ORS in the British National Formulary but the World Health Organisation understandably remains cautious about modifying what has been a highly successful and very widely tested remedy .
2 It has been a very successful project indeed .
3 According to their former captain and hooker , Douglas Livingstone , McPherson 's influence both on and off the field has been a major factor in what has been a very successful season .
4 Indeed , it has been an outstandingly successful theory and underlies nearly all of modern science and technology .
5 The British Conservative party has been the most successful political party of the modern era .
6 Gossyplure , the sex pheromone of the pink bollworm , has been the most successful to date .
7 He added : ‘ The Airbus has been the most successful venture into the civilian aerospace industry in the last 20 years . ’
8 Motability has earned one peerage and an OBE or two , but otherwise virtue is its own reward , and so far as I am concerned , it has been the most successful achievement of my career and the most fortunate thought that ever came into my head .
9 As a force for maintaining peace and preserving freedom , Nato has been the most successful military alliance in history .
10 It has been the most successful new beer product launched in the UK off-trade over the last decade .
11 In this book , we tried to develop a somewhat new approach to grammar , based on the idea that grammar , to be useful to the learner , should be ‘ communicative ’ , i.e. should relate the forms and structures of the language to their meaning and use In terms of the number of copies sold , this has been the most successful book of which I have been an author .
12 One member of each pair was asked to describe a drawing for their partner to draw — the casters ' may not have been the most successful — but it certainly proved to be the funniest !
13 Franklin Roosevelt , generally agreed to have been the most successful of modern presidents , had , by contrast , no national legislative experience and had held only very junior office in Woodrow Wilson 's administration .
14 HOUSTON — BPX appears to have been the most successful bidder in Western Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf Lease Sale 143 .
15 The second strand of policy was to encourage multinationals to use France and Britain as production bases ; this latter aspect of policy seems to have been the more successful strand .
16 Other attempts had been no more successful in the interim .
17 Peter Thorneycroft had been a notably successful chairman but was now seventy-two .
18 He had been a very successful amateur boxer , and sometimes would try to relieve our tension by sparring with me , teaching me basic moves of a sport I knew nothing about and instinctively detested .
19 His great qualification for the new post lay in the fact that since 1823 he had been an outstandingly successful Governor of New Russia ( the coastal part of the modern Ukraine ) .
20 At that time — at least to start with — we could pick up some of those who had been the least successful in their school careers , often because they had turned their backs on the opportunities open to them , and provide the first steps towards training and employment .
21 Mr Heseltine , when Secretary of State for the Environment , constantly argued for extra resources which were withheld by Mrs Thatcher and the Treasury , and succeeding ministers have been no more successful .
22 In his opening speech on June 3 , the UNCED Secretary-General , Maurice Strong , told delegates : " We have been the most successful species ever .
23 It was just what United needed and it rattled Leicester who in recent weeks have been the most successful team in the table .
24 ‘ It illustrates , ’ says chairman Garry , ‘ that we have been the most successful North-East club over the past 20-odd years . ’
25 Interestingly , all , all eighteen units on that site have been full from the day they were created , and that 's been a most successful run .
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