Example sentences of "have [verb] everything [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 For this is the beach club that really has got EVERYTHING for the family .
2 The new Eve momentarily wants to be a tragedy queen ; for a few flickering instants , she wants to be like almost ali the characters in literature whom we find most beguiling — Cleopatra , Anna Karenin , Madame Bovary , Eve herself in Paradise Lost — a figure who has risked everything for the sake of une grande passion .
3 Trying to drive yours up , spread on the table , not on the carpet , cos you he has to move everything on the carpet it 's not so slippy .
4 By the time they 'd stowed everything in the boot of the Ferrari and driven to a hilltop where , Nicolo said , they would have the best view , the sun was a fiery ball low on the hills .
5 ‘ Indeed , if Aristotle was a master of the art and handed his philosophy down to us very carefully , should n't he have proven everything in the most perfect form , especially when he insisted upon it himself — unless perhaps he intended to make fun of us ? ’
6 He turned professional in 1885 having won everything from the half-mile to the ten-mile AAA 's events .
7 I learnt this lesson the hard way : I turned up for a dinner party having remembered everything for the baby , even flowers for the hostess , and then the baby was sick all over my lovely silk skirt !
8 He would have done better to have given everything to the boy outright , but it is my belief he did not want Benedict to lose touch with his godmother . ’
9 After the Blefuscans had arranged everything with the Lilliputian officials , they came to visit me .
10 I looked up , startled to find how I had forgotten everything but the antics of these two monstrous beings .
11 The bank had organized everything concerning the various consultants , the share price , and the prospectus — a forty-page , glossy volume about the company 's structure , trading situation , and future plans .
12 They have n't got one and I 'll s er say this as I 've said everything on the wireless or anything , whatever I 've said I 'll say to their face , and I can slot the num perhaps they ca n't prove everything but you know it 's there .
13 Celia and Brassard , who had overheard everything from the outer office , exchanged rueful glances .
14 The prolonged wars with France had geared everything towards the production of material for the army and navy , and that was no longer required .
15 As a result I knew that I had recovered everything within the detecting capabilities of my old machine and did not expect that there would be anything left to be found .
16 He said , ‘ What I 've done , I 've left everything in the top drawer so that it 's all easier for my wife when I die .
17 I should 've learnt everything by the time I was thirty , not wait until I was in me forties .
18 For the past 25 years leading businesses have done everything by the book .
19 You have done everything by the book and your water is spot on , but green water is truly a natural part of maturation and nothing to worry about in itself .
20 So I said well I 've never been in the situation but I said if it , if it was , if I was in that situation I , asked to see the manager or person in charge , make an offer to pay for any damage that was done and if that did n't suffice then I would say well I am the care officer for a Mencap home and the only thing I can do is say will you er get in touch with my boss and it 'll have to be sorted out from Head Office and she said perfect , you could n't do anything better , then she give me all different things that we 've gone into the next day and the patient 's done everything down the bed , what would you do ?
21 The Chinks have got everything bar the pea-shooters piled up .
22 my Lord that 's why we say it was so strict , the commission said you 're not getting exemption you have to remove everything from the market
23 Overweight people , particularly the heavily overweight , rarely stop eating until they have finished everything on the plate .
24 No one has asked me to contribute material aid for Iraqi civilians who have lost everything in the allied bombing .
25 This can turn into a driver where people then feel they have to achieve everything in the fastest possible time .
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