Example sentences of "have [verb] himself to the " in BNC.

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1 Occasionally in the pursuit of profit he has to sacrifice himself to the ordeal of a business lunch with a customer , supplier or business contact .
2 He would have been a natural replacement for Blair , but in another cruel twist , Gallagher , a university student in Northampton , has committed himself to the English club this season and will not be available to Dungannon for the league .
3 Once man has habituated himself to the world of emotions which is a form of the transcendent , it is possible for him to cross into it at will .
4 The observer has to submit himself to the way things are .
5 He 's a good motivator , has endeared himself to the players and if they 're on your side as a manager you 've got at least a fighting chance .
6 Leeds captain Gary McAllister has pledged himself to the champions .
7 Having sold himself to the things he loves .
8 Fielding maintained that Lorne was all fucked out " , having gorged himself to the point of decrepitude during his first decade at the top , a common enough syndrome in the movie business .
9 On reaching Arcady , he 'd attempted to call Zambia 's old apartment and had explained himself to the woman who now lived there .
10 But the worst of all was to read what she had finally written on the night before the bazaar , the night before he had added himself to the list of those who had betrayed her — It was the worst hurt of his life .
11 Charles had pushed himself to the limit in the armed forces and had insisted upon doing the full training that his fellow officers did — despite protests from his superiors .
12 He had pushed himself to the limit .
13 For thirty-nine years he had devoted himself to the British public .
14 The father jumped out of his car and began to run to where his son had thrown himself to the ground .
15 If occasionally he still dreamed of Madeleine , of holding her in his arms , kissing her , he had reconciled himself to the belief that marriage between them could only have ended in disaster .
16 Ken had mortgaged himself to the hilt with the flat in Brunswick Gardens , Kensington and after one interminable row following another , he told his parents to leave the flat .
17 Scrope relied almost exclusively on George Villiers , first Duke of Buckingham [ q.v. ] , but consequently had to adapt himself to the tergiversations of the latter 's policies .
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