Example sentences of "have [prep] [be] kept [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This cutting blade has to be kept sharp to perform its job properly without undue pressure in the hand , and is therefore made from a very hard steel — so hard in fact , that it can be brittle when subjected to a common form of misuse : the correct action with all secateurs is a firm steady squeeze , with no wrenching and definitely no twisting , which can cause the blades to break .
2 oh course , you know , its , unless you think about it , the stuff has to be kept hot twenty four hours a day and he said a little bloke like me , I mean all these
3 For these reasons , the Siamese has to be kept calm and healthy if it is to retain its beautiful sealpoint pattern .
4 ‘ He 's just become more and more difficult to manage — he wanders , and he has to be kept clean
5 That is the reason why that option has to be kept open .
6 Since partial interpretations did not have to be kept distinct over stretches longer than two words the combinatorial explosion of word string hypotheses should have been considerably reduced .
7 ‘ It had to be kept simple so it could be translated into different languages ( the show will tour Europe in the autumn ) , but it is dangerously close to the P-word , ’ giggles Gibson .
8 So , a wife carefully distinguished her property from her husband 's , for the marriage could end , requiring a division of goods ; or her husband could marry a second wife , or a third , and wives ' property had to be kept distinct .
9 The affair had to be kept secret , or the scandal within the hospital would irrevocably damage his career .
10 It was what was going on in my mind that had to be kept secret , on pain of interference , on pain of ridicule , on pain of punishment and , inevitably , on pain of self-understanding .
11 Pigs had to be kept near to the farmstead , probably in nearby closes , but they could be taken to wastes and pasture and , of course , woodland , where traditionally they ate acorns and beechmast .
12 The Israelite people had to be kept free of contamination from outside sources , especially the corrupting influence of Canaanite religion .
13 Even trees in the street had to be kept short to give the army and police clear lines of fire in the event of war , civil or global .
14 News of the surrender of Paulus and 90,000 soldiers of the 6th Army — which would have provided some relief for their distraught relatives — had to be kept quiet to maintain the legend of total and selfless sacrifice for the nation in the ‘ greatest epic in German history ’ . ’
15 When , in 1651 , the Rump ordered guns from a former employee of his , Browne delivered an emotional remonstrance to the House of Commons : the state 's security , he claimed , depended upon a single gun-founder ; his enterprise employed a ‘ stock ’ of £30,000 , had overheads of at least £4,000 per annum , and had to be kept busy .
16 They had to be kept busy by war , because otherwise the whole building of the Roman organization would collapse .
17 Domestically , it was necessary to prevent ‘ sinister interests ’ from dominating the political process — the world that had been made safe for democracy had to be kept safe by democracy .
18 Do n't hesitate to use them even if they sound silly or have to be kept private .
19 From the start , his two definitions of culture , that of a class and that of the whole people , ‘ have to be kept distinct but always in relation ’ .
20 It takes months of painstaking work to grow the perfect orchid , and the potential prizewinners have to be kept cool and dark to stop them fading .
21 They should eat a proper breakfast and supper as well , though , since the meals have to be kept hot en route to the recipients and some of their original vitamin content can be lost .
22 It can complicate the management of in-patients beds if beds have to be kept available to accommodate persons on leave of absence who may relapse and require urgent readmission and it can distort the patient statistics .
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