Example sentences of "in the [noun sg] room the " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , they will often join you in your quest , because , frankly , up in the paperback room the wealth of works , the sliding panels concealing book upon book , the spinning towers stacked with glossy pocket editions , bewilder the most ardent browser .
2 Mrs Freer hissed as she passed her and in the dressing room the other models pointedly turned their backs on her , annoyed that an untrained shop girl should have been allowed to trespass in their territory .
3 In the motel room the phone rings again an hour later .
4 Waste bins overflowed with paper , in the wire room the overnight news from around the world spewed out , in the typewriters sheaves of messages or half-written copy had been stuffed .
5 She had chased it out of the house in February when one of her grandchildren was visiting ; and it is possible that it spent the night in the house during the week of the March sighting , as there was a very strong smell in the dining room the following morning .
6 Once in the drawing room the party seemed to divide , Ianthe talking to Edwin Pettigrew about dogs , Mark rather nobly taking on Daisy , and Sophia and Penelope plying Rupert with questions about himself , his life , and his work , probing to find out without actually asking whether he had a mother , wife , fiancee , or ‘ friend ’ in the background .
7 In the locker room the steel grilles are pasted with letters that say , Thanks for your kindness for making a tough time much easier to bear , and , If it was n't for all of you there at the hospital I do n't know how we would have survived .
8 That same Sunday , in the evening , there was played out in the Cabinet Room the sad farce of waiting for the telegram of conditions for the line of credit front Morgans ' in New York , relayed through the Bank of England , and containing when it came the terms which were wanted by MacDonald and Snowden , but which were anathema to half the Cabinet .
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