Example sentences of "in a manner [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Like BR , RENFE has been used to serve macroeconomic objectives , affecting the achievement of its own immediate goals in a manner not amenable to simple quantification .
2 The 35 x 63 in. weaving is in fine condition , with a brightly coloured design depicting ‘ The Man of Sorrows and four standing saints ’ in a manner not unlike contemporary Gothic woodcuts .
3 It was also objected that he wielded excessive personal power over the nation 's financial assets , for he continually asserted the Bank 's independence from the Treasury in a manner both arbitrary and overbearing , ignoring the protests of Reginald McKenna [ q.v. ] , chancellor of the Exchequer .
4 He has studied the details of their forms and physiognomy and renders them in a manner both truthful and original .
5 The debate now broadens to consider the overall impact of students who move or learn in a manner markedly different from the majority , on the general curriculum of the college .
6 His group , composed of professional circus performers , approaches each project in a manner whereby all members of the community are involved .
7 Marxists have discovered the state to be relatively autonomous and classes to be composed of ‘ class fractions ’ which seem to interact in a manner curiously reminiscent of the pluralist account .
8 Indeed , in his very early days , he painted in oils in a manner strongly reminiscent of Corot and the Barbizon School , as in 3.30 am Christchurch Park , 1912 .
9 A failure to give such information might also be relevant on a petition to wind-up the company on the ‘ just and equitable ’ ground or to grant relief on the ground that the affairs of the company are being conducted in a manner unfairly prejudicial to members .
10 The relationship between American distributors and British producers was an unequal one , but when British studios started to make films that went down well in America , executives became optimistic that they could turn the new relationships formed with US companies in their favour , and brushed aside Maxwell 's repeated warnings that ‘ as their films were produced in a manner most acceptable to their own people , there was no reason why they should go outside for pictures . ’
11 If the foreign and defence policy-makers may be accused of insufficient attention to the economic aspects of their policies , it is far from clear that the economic arguments were pressed in a manner most likely to bring about a re-assessment of overseas commitments .
12 But now the Mirror album gives those who missed out a chance to see ALL the pictures of the Duchess of York cavorting in a manner most unbecoming to Royalty .
13 Could I in fact have chosen in a manner more worthy of my dignity as a rational agent ?
14 She woke and dressed , spraying on perfume in a manner quite unlike her usual self .
15 The classic Hollywood narrative , he proposes , in a manner quite similar to Bakhtin 's , is defined by the centrality of a logic of causation to which character is central , and to which space and time are always subordinate : ‘ In the Hollywood style the systems do not play equal roles : space and time are almost invariably made vehicles for narrative causality ’ .
16 Both the arms of the saltire and the semi-roundels are decorated in a manner quite different to similar panels in the Middleborough mosaic .
17 Compare Auntie 's " Him and his women " ( a fine , natural contour ) with her That is the sort of weak politeness ' just afterwards , where the thought is dwelt on in a manner quite foreign to real life ; or the inane canonic whining of the Nieces ( not perhaps Britten 's most successful creations ) with Balstrode 's " D' you think we should stop our storm for such as you ? "
18 I tentatively infer from the paper cited above that the strategy which worked best for Hearsay-II — the W algorithm — explored the search space in a manner very similar to HARPY 's beam search , particularly as the same finite-state grammar was used in both cases .
19 Alabaster relief panels of narrative scenes or portrait groups in a manner very close to the Hawkins and Teynham monuments in Kent have been cited in attributions to Evesham of several monuments .
20 But this diffusion is being implemented in a manner very different from that affecting /Ε/.g
21 Taken together the expansion of the middle-class suburbs was from about 28 , inhabitants in 1871 to over three-quarters of a million ( 808,000 ) just after World War I. The other large suburbs , of mixed population , though with working-class majorities , experienced similar trajectories : Lichtenberg grew from 4,700 in 1871 to 145,000 in 1919 , Rixdorf/ Neukolln from 8,145 to 262,000 , and Spandau from 20,500 to 95,500.10 The total population growth of just these large above-mentioned mainly working-class districts was of the order of 1.3 million from 1871 to World War I , a phenomenon which taken together with the revolutionary uprising of 1918 must have been frightening to Berlin 's middle classes in a manner hardly imaginable today .
22 Trace provides the ability to justify the line of reasoning , on demand , in a manner directly intelligible to the enquirer .
23 In a German broadcast it was stated that ‘ the defenders of Hazenbrouck not only delayed the advance , but resisted in a manner truly worthy of the highest traditions of the British Army ’ .
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